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In a classroom Vanessa slid down on a lab table across form Cammie. "So it seemed like you knew Shannon Bervridge." Vanessa asked. Cammie shook her head. "Not really. She was just showing me around." Vanessa smiled. "Well Shannon doesn't usually interact with new students." Cammie wasn't really interested but still asked. "Why not?" Vanessa was still smiling. "Well it's pretty much basketball 24/7 with her." Then Cammie noticed an equation was written incorrect. "That should be 16 over pi." Stevie looked up after she heard Cammie say this. Then the teacher spoke up. "Yes Miss Scott?" Cammie then tried to explain. "Oh I'm sorry I just um... Shouldn't the second equation read 16 over pi?" The teacher looked confused. "16 over pi? That's quite impossible." The teacher looked down at the book and looked at Cammie. "I stand corrected. Oh and welcome aboard." At that Cammie then smiled and Vanessa's jaw dropped in shock. Then in the hallway Shannon walked by and looked at the audition list but didn't notice Shae was watching her. After a while Shannon nodded then walked off. When Shae saw Vanessa walk by she pulled her aside. "Shannon Bevridge was looking at out list." Vannesa looked confused. "Again?" She sighed. "You know yesterday she was hanging out with that new girl and they were both looking at the list. There's something freaky about her. Where did she say she was from?" When Vanessa looked at Shae she saw she wasn't paying attention and walked away then Shae noticed and followed. They went to the library and searched up Cammie Scott. When they found out she was a very intelligent girl they were shocked. "Oh an Enstienette. So why do you think she's interested in our musical." Shae asked. Vanessa shighed. "I don't think she is and we needn't concern ourselves with amateurs. But there's no harm in making sure Cammie is suited to group activities that are well appropriate for her. After all she loves pi."They printed out the papers then left. Then we see detention Chambers style. And all of the student were doing different activities. As Ms. Chambers walked past Stevie she ran up to Cammie excited. "The answer is yes." Cammie looked confused "huh?" Stevie was smiling. "Our Scholastic Decathlon team has our first competition this week and there is defiantly a spot for you." When Cammie saw the papers in Stevie's hand she asked. "Where did you get those?" Stevie seemed confused. "Didn't you put them in my locker?" Cammie shook her head. "Of course not." Stevie then continued. "Well we would love to have you on the team. We meet everyday after school." Cammie sighed. "Please." Stevie begged. Cammie sadly responded. "I need to get used to the curriculum here before I think about joining any clubs." That's when Vanessa walked up. "What a way to get caught up meeting with the smartest kids in school. What a generous offer Stevie." That's when Ms. Chambers walked up. "So many new faces in detention today. I hope you don't make a habit of it but the drama club could always use an extra hand. And while were working let's mount the haunting evils of cell phones."

In the gym Coach Bevridge had the team gather around and he realized two of his players were missing. "Where's Shannon and Ally?" No one answred. "Don't make me ask again. WHERE'S SHANNON AND ALLY?!" The whole team said detention and the Coach walked out of the gym to get his players. Back on the stage Ms, Chambers was still talking about cell phones when the Coach walked in. "Where's my team Chambers?" Then he saw the girls sitting in a fake tree. "What the heck are those two doing in a tree?" Ms. Chambers sighed. "It's called crime and punishment Bervridge. Besides proximity to the arts is cleansing for the soul." Coach pointed at Chambers and asked thourgh gritted teeth. "Can we talk please?" He then turned to Shannon and Ally. "And you two in the gym now." Shannon jumped down from the fake tree and pulled Ally out of the inside of it and they headed toward the gym. Cammie watched them go.

In the Principles office Coach Bevridge and Ms. Chambers were arguing. "If they have to paint sets for detention they can do it tonight not during my practice." Ms. Chambers sighed. "If these were theatre performers instead of athletes would you seek special treatment." That's when the coach turned to Ms. Chambers. "Chambers we are weeks away from our biggest game of they year." Then she turned to the coach. "And we Bevridge are in the midst for the auditions for our winter musical as well. This school is more than people in baggy short flinging balls for touchdowns." Coach sighed deeply. "Baskets. They shoot baskets." The principal then spoke. "Ok look guys listen. You two have been having this argument since the day you both stared working here. We are one school, one student body, one faculty can we not agree on that" They both sighed then the principal turned to the coach. "So Coach how is the team looking. Shannon got them whipped into shape?" Then Ms. Chambers gasped dramatically and left the office.
The team was in the gym for practice. The coach blew The whistle for the team to gather around so he could give them a pep talk. "The West high Knights have knocked us out of the playoffs three years running. And now we are one game away from  taking that championship right back from them. It's time to make her stand. The team is you you are the team. And this team does not exist unless each and everyone of you is fully focused on our goal. Am I clear?" Then the Wildcats started their team chant.

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