Callbacks part 2

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As Shannon walked out of the school the team was outside for practice. When Ally spotted her she tried to hand Shannon a basketball but Shannon rejected it and started jogging around the track and the team was worried about her. Back at her home Shannon's dad saw her practicing in the backyard but she was off her game.

Cammie was at her home sad and heartbroken and missing Shannon. The next day at school as they were both walking to thourgh the cafeteria they ran into each other but did not say a word to one another. When Stevie spotted Cammie she thought Cammie would come sit with them but she just walked to a random table and when the team called Shannon over she just shook her head and walked away. Ally and Stevie got up from their tables and agreed that they had made a mistake so Ally and a couple of the girls went to talk to Shannon. Ally called out to get her attention. "Hey we just had another team meeting." Shannon frowned. "Oh wonderful." Then Ally continued. "We had a meeting about how we haven't been acting like a team. I mean us not you. Look about the singing thing....." Shannon shook her head "Al I don't want to talk about it." Ally continued. "I just want you to know that we are going to be there ok cheering for you." Shannon looked at her teammates in confusion. Then Arielle spoke. "Yea if singings something you want to do we should be boosting you up not tearing you down.: Ally nodded her head. "Yeah. I mean win or lose were teammates ok and that's what were about. Even if you turn out to be the worst singer in the world." Another player spoke up. "Which we don't know because we haven't actually heard you sing." Then Shannon cut in. "and you won't hear me sing girls. Because Cammie won't even talk to me and I don't know why." The players looked sheepish. "We do." Ally said. Shannon looked surprised and then Arielle reached into her bag and pulled out a bag if cookies she made. "I baked these fresh today. You might want to try one before we tell you the rest."

Then in the science room Stevie walked up to Cammie with the rest of the team. "Cammie we were jerks. No we were worse than jerks because we were mean jerks. We thought the Shannon and the whole singing thing was killing our chances of having you on the team." Cammie cut in "I heard what she had to say. I'm on your team now done." Stevie jumped back in. "No not done. We knew that Ally could get Shannon to say things to make you want to forget about the callbacks. We planned it and were embarrassed and sorry." Cammie cut in again. "No one convinced Shannon to say anything. And you know what it's ok we should be preparing for the decathlon right now so it's time to move on." Stevie stopped her again. "No it's not ok. The decathlon is whatever but how you feel about us and more importantly Shannon, that's what important." Cammie turned back to the board then Stevie turned to the team and whispered. "We tried."

Out one the streets later that night Shannon was walking to Cammie's hosue and knocked on the door and Sandy Cammie's mother opened the door. "Hi Ms. Scott I'm Shannon Bevridge." And Sandy was happy to finally meet her. "Oh Shannon." Cammie shook her head when her mom looked at her to see if she wanted to talk to Shannon. "Ah Cammie's kinda busy with homework and such so now's not really a good time." Shannon tried to explain why she was there. "I made a mistake Ms. Scott and I really want to let Cammie know that. Can you tell her I came by to see her?" Sandy nodded her head. "Yes I will Shannon. Goodnight." Shannon smiled. "Goodnight. Thank you." As the door closed Shannon walked away and then when she saw the light on in Cammie's room she snuck in thourgh the back fence door and pulled out her phone and called Cammie. As Cammie's phone rang and she saw Shannon's name on her phone screen she picked up. (A/N: I'm going to put S as Shannon and C as Cammie it will make the short phone conversation easier to write.)

C- hello

S- What you heard the other day none of that is true. I was sick of my friends riding me about singing with you and I said things I knew would shut them up. I didn't mean any of it.

C- You sounded pretty convincing to me

S- Look the girl you met on vacation is way more me than the girl who said those stupid things.

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