The Five Stages

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"ADDY ICE CREAM!" Delilah screamed from my room.

You probably guessed it. One night stand gone wrong. I think—no I'm positive—my friends are missing the concept of a one night stand. They go to parties, grind here, drink there, find a boy, makeout, go upstairs, and I'm sure you can finish the rest. However, the morning after, something sparks in their brain that they want to date the boy. One harsh let down later, you find them at my door complaining, thinking he was the one.

Yea, that is how things normally played out. This is why my freezer is always stocked with ice cream. For times like this.

I grabbed Delilah's tub of cookie dough ice cream, grabbed a spoon and walked to my room. Before entering, I put on a sympathetic expression. After all the tubs of ice cream I have started to become used to these kinds of things.

"D, he wasn't worth it. He was a douche unworthy of you." I said handing her the tub of ice cream. All she did was shrug taking the ice cream and cry into my sheets.

"I'm gonna go for a run. Just let it all out my love." I said putting Delilah's favorite movie Footloose in. I gave her a hug before grabbing my phone and rushing out of the room before she could start her rant. Normally, the girls would start to rant about what happened and how he was so sweet. The first couple times I was actually interested in what happened. However, a few stories later I couldn't take another word of their failed romances. I figured I would go on a run around the neighborhood and let them go through the stages of heartbreak.

Stage #1: confusion. Confused as to why a boy would ever break their hearts. Confused as to why he did not want a relationship.

Stage #2: anger. The emotion of anger was one hell of an emotion. They were angry at the boy for using them. This resulted in fits of hitting pillows and throwing plates, frames, anything that created the satisfying sound of shattering. Then they would become angry at themselves for ever thinking he would actually date them. Angry at themselves for making stupid decisions.

Stage #3: depression. Anger always leads to saddness. This was the stage Delilah was in. In this stage, they become sad because they thought the boy was different. Then they start to rethink their whole romantic life and assume they do not have one which makes them sad. Sad they don't have a boyfriend to shower them with his love.

Stage #4: acceptance. It may take awhile, but acceptance is key. They finally realize the boy was a douche unworthy of their time. They accept the dumb mistake they made and vow to never make it again.

Lastly, stage #5: renewal, also known as my favorite stage.

In this stage they pick themselves up and realize they are a bad bitch who needs to get back out there. They clean themselves off, buy a new top or pair of shoes, and walk with their head held high and confidence radiating off them.

It's the best stage, not just because it's the last.

4 miles later I am back at  my doorstep, praying Delilah is going through my closet finding something to wear to make her hot again.

Only one way to find out.

"D?" I called taking off my nike's and starting upstairs.

"Addy, just woman I was looking for. Does this make my ass look huge?" She asked coming out of the bathroom in one of my tight black min dress.

Thank you, God.

"Absolutely." I said with a smirk.

"I'm glad I dropped Jason's small ass, I can do way much better." She said admiring her figure in my full body mirror.

She turned to me running to embrace me.

"Thank you, Addy," she said letting me go.

To that, I said the line I was all to familiar with.

"No worries."


There were six of us.

Delilah: the badass rebel.

Allison: the sweet beach babe.

Quinn: the athletic gymnast.

Caroline: the "is going to be on broadway" star.

Kristin: the smart bookworm nerd.

Then there's me. Adaline: the fixer of broken hearts.

It is one thing to say my friends are pretty. In truth, they are all gorgeous. It's no wonder every boy in school wants to hook up with them. What is surprising, is that that is all the boys want to do: hookup. I think it is a rare occasion when one of the girls have an actual boyfriend. The only one of us actually tied to a boy is Caroline. She met him through--no surprsied--theatre class. His name is Cameron and he is extremely sweet and is, to Caroline, the hottest boy in the theater program. They have been dating since the second month of junior year. Since we are about three months into junior year I would say they are doing alright.

At least I do not have to worry about Caroline.

The other four are different.

Summer was good to all of us. We grew a little, worked out, and discovered how to do makeup properly. We attended a few parties in the middle of summer and were known to others as the wild chicks and the life of every party.

I would say we each brought something different that just made us click as a group. Best friends since freshman year and still going strong. However I had known Delilah since we were in third grade. Yes we instantly became best friends.

Back to summer. The girls discovered how much hooking up was fun. No that didn't mean they had sex 24/7. It just meant they saw dancing and making out with a random hot guy fun. However, at the same time they wanted boyfriends.

As you can assume those were, in no way shape or form, a good combination.

It led to loads of heartbreak. Through summer is how I became all to familiar with the five stages of heartbreak.

I became the anchor of our group. Did I care? No because it meant keeping my best friends safe and sane.

Their broken status wasn't something to worry about. It was something for me to fix.


Author's note: Hey Guys! After reading loads of stories I gained inspiration.

I know no one will probably even read this story but I am just giving it a try.

Thank you!!


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