The Experiment

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30 minutes had gone by and I wondered if Miles was ever going to come back.

I supposed I have time to share about the kiss.

That was one hell of a kiss. I'll admit it's been awhile since I actually had a makeout session so it was kind of refreshing.

Normally I am a good person of judgment, but this boy stumped me.

I wanna say he is a shallow douche based on his actions after our little kiss, but something held me back from officiating that thought.

From the few minutes we talked, he seems like a good person overall. Then he was hesitant about breaking up with his cheating girlfriend because of the good sex.

Red Flags

I can only assume their relationship was based off sex rather than dates and talking and actual love.

But then he described her as pretty and sweet. His voice had truth in it. However, I cannot dismiss the way he causally said his girlfriend was cheating. And how casual he was about breaking up with her after making out with me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" His voiced echoed from the other side of the balcony.

"Where's the penny?" I called out.

"Silly Adaline, it is just an expression." His voice nearing to where I was. I turned facing him.

"How was it?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Same old same old. I catch her red handed. She acts innocent and drunk even though she knows I know she never drinks because she is to be 2 months sober by tomorrow. I say it's over she screams and starts crying. I roll my eyes and walk away. She throws her drink at me which was a full cup. And now I'm here. Nothing really new, we'll probably be back together by next week."

"Umm...back together?" I questioned, facing him.

I watched his eyes stare me up and down.

"It's a cycle you see," he explained walking towards me, " we breakup. She misses me. I miss her. We get back together. Go to a party she cheats or I cheat. We blame our drunkness. Boom back together."

"Sounds pretty shitty," I said sipping from my drink.

"It is but there really isn't anything else to do." He said.

"Yes there is." I said with a 'matter of fact' tone.

"I don't know..." He trailed.

"But you do know." I said, mocking the famous phrase he would always say.

"I have an idea..." He said walking towards me. He grabbed my waist pulling me into him.

"Why don't we stop talking about my ex," he began planting little kisses along my jaw, "and finish that little session we started."

Stay Strong Addy. Don't give in.

"No..." I whispered barely audible, closing my eyes.

Wow you're weak.

Before he kissed my lips I turned away.

"Did you just cheek me?" He asked looking down at me.

I shrugged walking past him, towards the chair. He jogged past me and sat on the chair smirking.

"Come sit." He said patting his lap.

I laughed pointing at the open space next to him. He moved his arm to cover it, then patted his lap once again. I rolled my eyes folding my arms.

"I don't get it. Guys talk about how much they love their girl. But once something goes wrong, they turn their back and look for a rebound. Well listen up Miles, I am nobody's rebound." I said and proceeded to strut towards the door.

Damn Addy you are a bad bitch.

"Adaline wait!" Miles called but I was already at the door. I heard footsteps behind me.

Dang he is fast.

I felt his hand grab my wrist, forcing me to turn around.

And strong.

"You want the truth?"

I nodded.

"I'm confused. I always am after our breakups. I just don't get it. I think I am a pretty good boyfriend. I take her on dates, walk her to class, buy her things. I just am confused why she has to makeout with a random guy at every party. Am I not good enough for her? It's just confusing okay. The only way I know to take my mind off of this confusion is hooking up."

Holy shit.

It clicked. The words that left his mouth made me understand and realize something important.

"I can help you." I said.

"That's all I'm asking." He said pulling my hips into him. I scoffed pushing him off me and making my way to the chair.

"Oh I see where you wanna do-"

"No Miles I am not making out with you."

"But you wanted to help me."

"Stage 1: confusion-"

"What are you doing?" he interrupted.

"Shh. Confusion. You are confused of why she would leave you and cheat. Confused about if you are good enough. It is evident you have been stuck in this stage. I am going to help you through all the stages and you'll be over her." I smirked.


"The five stages of a heartbreak."

"Sweetheart, my heart is not broken." He smirked.

"What ever you say..." I said crossing one leg over the other.

He leaned against the railing looking out.

"You really think you can make me get over her?" he asked.

"I know I can." I smirked.

"If I say yes will you makeout with me?"

"Wow your desperate." I said.

"I just want to hookup!" He yelled out making me laugh.

"You want my help or not?"

"How are you so familiar with these so called stages?"

I shrugged.

"Fine." He said giving in.

I smile, satisfied. I had just opened up a new experiment. I am going to see if the five stages worked on a boy.

"Stop looking at me." I said making eye contact with him.

"You know you want some," he said winking.

I looked at him up and down after getting up.

"Ehh," I said before walking away.

"Ouch." he called after me.

"By Miles!" I called before shutting the door.

Now where the heck are my friends.


Author's note: Honestly, I feel like this is so boring.

Hopefully it will pick up.

Wish me luck with my homework


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