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"You know what, I'll just tell her. Like ripping off a band-aide." I remarked folding my clothes.

Delilah scoffed. "That is the last thing you want to do."

I rolled my eyes stopping one second to look at her before distracting myself with my laundry.

"Listen. Alli is basically head over heels for him. I say all you tell her is that he did check her out and leave out the moment you and him had a flirtatious hallway conversation-"

"To distract him from his ex-girlfriend. You keep forgetting that part!" I exclaimed.

"Chill," Delilah responded picking at her nails.

"I'm sorry. This whole thing is stressful. Maybe I should just stop talking to Miles I-" My phone vibrated. I walked over to it while Delilah remained concerned with her manicure.

'Hi Miss Adaline I wanted to formally thank you for the hallway incident'

I laughed to myself setting my phone down.

"That was him huh." Delilah smirked, interrupting my thoughts.


"Ali is going to kill youuuu" she sang.

"Whatever, she-" we were interrupted yet again by my phone, this time it was a call. Yes you guessed it, same number.

"Hey uh we have a problem..."


I do not know why I put myself in this situation. One minute I was stress folding my clothes and the next I'm driving to the starbucks down the street to save a guy I just met, maybe a week ago, from an encounter with his ex.

Parking my car in the front of the small coffee shop I braced myself for what I was doing.

Now or never.
Oh how about never.
Shut up just go Addy.

The little bell on the door jingles while I open it causing a few people to look over. I scanned the room trying to find him.

Okay how hard could this be.

I saw the girl from the hallway earlier today. That means Miles couldn't be that far away.

Well I was right.

I spotted him a short distance of one table away. His back was facing her. Now the question is who sat there first.

Giving the girl a small smile I made my way over to him.

"Hey Miles." I said causing him to look up, flashing a smile.

"Adaline glad you came." He smiled, getting up and giving me a hug.

"You owe me." I whispered embracing him.

"I have a few ways."

I rolled my eyes smiling. As I was about to pull the chair out to sit down he stepped in front of me.

"Let me get that," he stated while pulling my chair out and pushing it in once I was seated. I sensed the girl was watching his every move as well as mine. Trying my best to ignore her cold stare I smiled at Miles.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"It was interesting. My teacher didn't call on me for once in Spanish. And this guy hit on me again."

Once the words left my mouth I saw her head pop up again. I also noticed Miles tense. He probably didn't know that I noticed but I did. Confusing.


"Yeah it's as if every class he thinks he can just walk up to me and act like we've been dating for years. To be quite honest it's annoying." I remarked crossing one leg over the other.

"I don't blame him. It's hard not to flirt with someone as beautiful as you."

I've never seen someone leave so fast. She just got up and left. Didn't push in her chair. Didn't put back the magazine she was pretending to read. She heard him and was gone in an instant.

I smirked slowly clapping my hands.

"Well done Miles. Well done."

"She's gone?"

"Yes she's gone. Why don't you tell me her name?"

"Courtney. Her names Courtney. Such a pretty name. Such a pretty girl. Such a big bitch."

It clicked once again.

"Perfect!" I smiled clasping my hands together. Miles responded with a confused expression.

"Stage 2: anger. You are becoming angry at her for doing what she did. The stages are working just in time." I remarked.

"Okaayy...well to be honest I've never called her a bitch. Even the other times she cheated. By now we would be back together or hanging out again. So thank you for saving me. I didn't know she would come here. She knows this the place I can focus." He explained.

"Then that's exactly why she came. Obviously she knows the effect she has on you. Coming here just shows that she is hoping you go back to her."

"Maybe I should just go back with her...I mean maybe she has changed."

My mouth dropped from how stupid his remark was.

"Miles it's been maybe a week. And you are already farther in the course than you'd ever been. You can't give up."

"But she is basically following me around. She won't stop. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss her."

"I get that. But you need to wake up. She has cheated on you multiple times. Why do you keep ignoring that?" I questioned sitting up.

"Because. Look at her. She's perfect. Society expects a guy like me to date a girl like her." He confessed. I could tell he has been holding onto that reason close to his heart.

I understand what Miles was saying. Society standards are high for him. Being a football player already puts you on a different level than everyone. Being a captain...well that puts you on a pedestal.

It was clear that his statement surprised us both. I didn't know how to respond if I'm being honest. But I know he was awaiting my response.

"Look I get that. But it's been maybe 3 months into school. Your relationship didn't even sound like an actual relationship. Plus do you really love her?"

He slumped down in his seat. I grabbed my bag and got up.

"Wait Adaline...look. I know all you want to do is help me. But Courtney has this affect on me it's hard okay. It is hard to get over her."

"And I get that. Look maybe I was wrong to force any of this on you. It seems that you really like her. So I'll keep my distance. Talk to you later Miles."

With that I walked out of that coffee shop and into my car. Did he ever follow me out? No. And I wouldn't have either.

I know I should've just gone back in. But
I didn't. It was a stupid reason to walk out. I just left him hanging. It wasn't Miles who was the problem it was me.

It's been 2 weeks since we spoke.


Author's note:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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