Ha ju thought!!

20 2 8

Seh Calcum's face??

Dat es ju!!!!!

Odkeh so....... et es summah.....

And I realised I have no friends!

And it made me happy😂😂😂😂

B-cuz I hav all da time 2 vatch da yootoob wih colliscool b-cuz sheh es awsum n i alsoh hav time fo anime speekin uv anime I em vatching free! And et es awsum

N on da las deh uv skool so many peeplz ver ditchin. And ven da bell rang no vun sed bah bench lik normal b-cuz I hav no more friends! Yayyyyyy😀😀😀😀😀😂😂😂😂😂😂

Anyways I hav a rant so here I go

Okay I hate when people talk to me and then their human that hurt them a lot and does bad things cums back they choose the....


Why? I don't know.

But it bothers me so much because I helped that person a lot and they helped me. And this is how it goes. Now I feel happy because there isn't anything I have to worry about but my laptop and phone being charged because I deleted all my social stuff including kik! WHOOPWHOOP.

But.... I will always keep wattpad cuz fanfiction is fun! Anyways

Tanks fo reedin!

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