Chapter 12: The Light

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A hand brushed the mane of the dead sleipner. It was fair and young.

"Oh, master Ludivan, I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you. But to the very least, let me make amends.", a calm, gentle voice of a youthful man spoke. His short hair was a bright shade of blond, wearing a black priestly garment with sophisticated white and silver linings and designs similar to Ludivan's fabric around the neck. Whereas, the male's irises were sky blue in color, without pupils, gazing at the carcasses whose fate were terribly ended in a brutal, most barbaric way. One of the canines have cracked skull, the other had his jaws ripped apart. The sleipner was sliced in the neck. Truly a dreadful sight to behold. Then he saw the dead necromancer. He kneeled to inspect the corpse. Wondering, who could have done it?

"I shall bring salvation to this wretched world and bring an end to all the Blackheart members and the Dark King's Army. That is my oath as the last remaining living member of the Legionnaire." After that, he shined gloriously for a moment and faded on the spot.

Ashven paused, taking a glimpse back to where they came from. "Why did you stop? ", the farmer asked.

"It's nothing. San Tima is ahead.", he used a plain voice.

They have arrived at the fenced border. It was late evening. The horrifying truth hit Kesk. "No." San Tima was really in shambles. Ravaged houses, crop fields on fire. "What happened?", he walked closer to the fence.

Ashven crouched towards his friend. "Azdamarians has invaded your country. It won't be long until they will rule the place."

"I thought Blackheart members are part of the Azdamar Army, according to the book I've read... " To which the other said, "In the past, yes, but we were banished by that traitor Ludivan and escaped to hide ourselves. We lived in a small country that we later named as our own. The kingdom of Vale. That's my home." The man's words had a sad tone in it.

"But Vale is gone, right?"

"Yes, and your country will be gone as well if we won't stop them."

"But how are we going to stop a battalion?"

Ashven went forward and attempted to touch the fence but as soon as he touched it, an electrical shock caused him to jolt back. "Ouch!", shaking his hands. "As I thought, Azdamarians have formed a magical barrier. Outsiders can't come in."

"Barrier? How will we destroy it?" Kesk was standing beside the brunet. His friend shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure. There will be two or more of those who are casting the spell for the barrier. The only way is to interrupt them. But its pretty obvious they're gonna be inside so we can't do anything. Unless..."

"Unless what?", Kesk was getting impatient. He wanted to save the king but he has no power. Subsequently, chimes echoed on their ears, causing them to turn around to see what's coming from behind as a white beam of light shined upon them. Kesk saw an angelic figure before his sight turned all white. darkness.

"I can't...I can't see anything!", the farmer exclaimed. Groping for anything around him that could support his balance, a hand held him by the shoulder. "It's me. You've been blinded by the light. The same light that blinded Zao." He recognized the voice came from Ashven.

"Indeed, my light could blind anyone who sees it directly." Someone answered in a younger voice. The albino couldn't tell who it was. He recalled the vision and got so shocked by how precise it was. It's exactly what he saw hours ago.

"Spare the human, Legionnaire.", Ashven came forward, using himself as a shield for Kesk.

"This is surprising. A wolf protecting his lamb? Don't worry. I won't miss. My light shall select only you. Now, tell me where are the other members of your clan?"

"I don't know... ", the brunet answered. During their conversation, Kesk rubbed his eyes, blinking it several times until he saw another vision. He felt his head hurt once more. What he saw: The two, Ashven and the Legionnaire member, will fight to death and both of them will struggle. They'll annihilate each other including their surroundings. It was a grim future ahead of them. However, he did see something good. Their powers have broken the barrier as they fought. His eyesight returned to its functioning state as the vision was finished.

"...kill me if you can.", the Blackheart member taunted the enemy.

"Wait!" Kesk hastily limped forward in the middle of the two. Spreading his arms apart. "I know how to break the barrier!"

"What?", the other two replied in unison.

"You can see again?" Ashven noticed he didn't lose balance.

The young one remarked, "Impressive. But what about the barrier?"

"Please, I am from this country, San Tima, which is being invaded by Azdamarians.", pointing back at the place beyond the fence. "And this guy, Ashven, helped me out as the Azdamrians formed a barrier while they invade my country.. So now we don't know how to get in and help the King!"

"Wait, I helped you out?", the brunet was baffled. Kesk's abduction was a mere coincidence as he didn't know that the Azdamars will conquer San Tima.

"Ssh.. I'm making you a nice guy so that he won't kill you. Now listen, Ashven Blackheart and you, Jayce Lawson. "

The Legionnaire member was astonished as to how the man figured out his name. "How did you know my name?" Even the albino's friend could not believe it. "You know him, Kesk? "

Kesk replied, confused as well, "What did I say?"

"Jayce is my name. Jayce Lawson. You just said it."

The farmer shook his hands in surrender, "Look, it doesn't matter. My country is in trouble. Only the two of you can help me break the barrier. Please." He fell on his knees intentionally and begged at them. "Please... "

"I'll help him. What about you? Will you remain focused on killing us? Pathetic Church assassins. Or are you part of this dark force invading San Tima?", Ashven spitted at the side, adding more mockery to his enemy. As a reply, Jayce smiled, "I get that you're playing as the Good Samaritan here. Okay, I'll help. And I'm not with the Azdamarians since master Ludivan was abducted by your clan members. After helping this man...", Jayce looked at Kesk then to Ashven, "I shall punish you for killing a lot of humans."

"I was hungry. Do you punish a wolf in killing a lamb for food?", he challenged. Walking towards Kesk to help him stand up.

"Just stop, Ashven. You were not merely killing for food. You were killing for lust or pleasure.", Kesk contradicted him. "Zao told me before you killed him." This annoyed the brunet who released his grip on the albino.

"Ah. So you were the one who killed your kindred. What a shame. Blackhearts do not really know the word unity . That's why Vale fell apart.", the young priest smiled.

"You-!" Kesk grabbed the collar of Ashven just before he could lunge on Lawson. "Settle your differences when we're done here. I trust your word, Ashven. You will help me." His friend heaved a sigh. "Alright." There were so many questions left unanswered but the three shall focus on saving San Tima.

"I'll help, too, mister? "

"Kesk. Kesk, the farmer." He shook the hand of the adolescent. It felt soft. Opposite to his rough hand.

"Mr. Kesk, let me heal your ankle. Do you have a blade? Something I could cut myself with? "

"I left the knife in the forest. ", the albino answered then turned his head to his friend, "Ashven?"

"Where would I cut you then? In the neck?", he joked as he made a grin.

"Here on my palm." Jayce opened his right palm for Ashven to cut. "Not too deep. Just to let my blood out." The Blackheart member held the boy's hand, cutting it in a slant line using his fingernail transformed into a sharp black claw. A combination of clear fluid and red blood seeped out of the sliced skin. 'A pureblood? ', the brunet thought as he noticed the color of his blood. The farmer removed his left boot carefully along the process. As the wound bleeds, Lawson planted his palm on the broken ankle. Kesk flinched a bit. Afterwards, he wrapped his own palm with a white cloth he got from his pocket. The blood was absorbed on the albino's skin and sooner, the healing took effect. Kesk tried to move his foot, tiptoeing. He felt no pain. "Thank you very much." All well and good, the unlikely team can start their first mission together: to destroy the barrier.

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