Chapter 10

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Maya's pov
  "Why are you doing this, Missy? What did we ever do to you?!"
Missy laughed. "Oh nothing, I just enjoy hurting people."
"Wrong with me? Oh honey, look at yourselves," Missy replied coming closer.
"Whatever you do, don't hurt Riley."
Missy laughed at that. "Ha! You can't control what I do, retard."
"Tartarus? What the hell is that?"
I rolled my eyes. "It's a Percy Jackson thing. But anyway, Tartarus is a place worse than hell."
Missy scowled. "That's it. You're done distracting me. Let's get this over with."
  I put Riley behind me, trying to protect her.
Missy knocked me down and grabbed Riley and started to hit her repeatedly. I couldn't say anything. I was in shock. My beautiful Riley was getting beat up. She was crying out in pain from all of the hits.
  Finally, I came back to reality. "NO!" I ran towards Missy and literally threw myself onto her. I started punching her in the face over and over again. Missy pushed me off and kicked my shins and stomach and ribs. I couldn't move after that. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Missy walking towards Riley.
  I tried to say something, but it hurt so much. Missy knocked her to the ground and punched her in the face, giving her a black eye. Riley cried out in pain. The sound was so heartbreaking. Then she did it again to the other eye. She kicked her sides, stomach, ribs, and shins. "AGHH!!" Riley screamed. I knew I couldn't do anything, I just lay there with tears in my eyes. Everything looked so blurry. "Okay, that's it. I'll see you at school. And I have a surprise for you," she grinned evilly and walked out of the bedroom, locking it behind her.
  "Riley" I attempted to say. "Peaches... I'm scared"
"Me too" I practically crawled to her since I couldn't walk. I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her in a hug.
"Promise me that whatever happens, we'll always be together."
"I promise," I whispered in her ear.
   Riley lifted me onto the bed and then lifted herself up. I crawled into the bed and she did the same. Riley pulled me closer to her until we were touching bodies. I looked into her chocolate brown eyes, and suddenly everything seemed okay. I never really realized how beautiful she was until now. We stayed that way for a while, staring into each other's eyes. But then... Riley glanced down at my lips. I felt myself blush. Riley must've realized what she was doing because she looked away and blushed a deep red. Awww, she's so cute... Wait, WHAT?!
I grabbed Riley's face with both of my hands and lifted her chin up so she could see into my eyes. But I looked at her lips, I don't know why, I just... Did. She did the same. We leaned closer, without really knowing what we were doing. And suddenly, our lips touched. It was the most amazing thing in the world. I felt like I was in heaven. But then I came back to reality. "I'm not gay."

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