Part 1

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Gabby Taylor felt herself fading out of her dream. When she fully awoke, she reached over to check the time on her phone. It was 9:15 in the morning. Earlier that morning, she had received a message, and it was from her best friend Georgia.

Georgia: Heya, are you awake? Xx

Gabby: Yeah, are you? Xx

Gabby made herself laugh, she thought she was very funny, which was obvious. She went into the kitchen, where she saw her little sister  Victoria. She was sitting at the table and she was eating jam on toast.

"Morning Gabby, are you alright?" asked her mum, putting two slices of fresh bread into the toaster.

"Yeah I am," said Gabby. She saw a pile of magazines in the middle of the table, She read one and ate her toast, afterwards she got dressed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie. She checked the time it was 9:45, she wondered if her sister Sophie was awake. She went upstairs to her sister's room, she opened the door and saw her curled up in her big double bed. Gabby walked out of her room, not wanting to wake her but as she closed the door, she heard Sophie's voice say 'hello'. Gabby winced, she forgot Sophie was an awfully light sleeper even though she slept in all morning. She walked into her room to see Sophie sitting up and looking confused but when she saw Gabby, she smiled.

"Hey Gabby, you ok?" asked Sophie.

"Yeah, are you?" said Gabby.

"Yeah tired though," said Sophie. Yawning for effect. Gabby felt bad about waking her up and apologized. "Oh no its fine! Really, come here. We can have a chat!" said Sophie, tapping the other side of her bed.

Ok, soooo have you heard from Oliver?" asked Gabby. Oliver was Sophie's new boyfriend, he started their school about two weeks ago at the start of the new school year, and Gabby saw him at school a couple of times and thought he was nice.

"Yeah I have! We were talking at about midnight and he's coming over today actually," said Sophie. She looked really positive and excited about seeing him. Gabby thought Sophie was lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend that made her happy, although Gabby had one herself, his name was Luke and she thought he was fabulous.

"Nice, what are you going to do together?" asked Gabby. Sophie gave her a dirty look and Gabby smiled, she knew what she had said gave a certain meaning to Sophie, her sixteen year old sister had a really dirty mind.

"Um stuff, you know," she said. Gabby started laughing and shook her head, but she wasn't sure if she was being dirty or not.

"Fab!" exclaimed Gabby. Sophie looked at her phone and then she let out a dramatic gasp.

"Oh my god! Look at the time, Oliver is coming over at eleven! I better get up," exclaimed Sophie clambering out of bed. Sophie always found time hard to deal with, some sort of OCD, that Gabby found funny.

"Oh don't worry! You won't need to wear much!" said Gabby. She giggled like a little girl and just as she went through Sophie's bedroom door, she turned to see her give her a very evil look. When Gabby walked out, she bumped into Colin, her older brother who was walking down the stairs holding a cup of tea and was not looking where he was going.

"Oi! Watch what you're doing!" exclaimed Colin. He stood there, dripping in brown liquid, Gabby had to bite the inside of her cheeks to prevent laughing.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, I didn't see you!" Said Gabby, he brother looked at her as if she was mad, his expression looked so annoyed.

"Whatever!" exclaimed Colin. He stormed off and just left her on the landing, she started laughing at the weird was of her brother.
On her phone , she had 3 messages, one from Sophie, Georgia and Luke.

Georgia: Um yea obviously! x are you coming for lunch?

This was news to Gabby so she asked her about it.

Luke: Hey darling, how are you this fine morning? xxx

Gabby smiled, Luke had a good way of making her feel special on text and in person. She texted him back and they had a long, romantic and cute conversation.  She was also listening to music on her ipad, and then a Facebook message came up from Sophie.

Sophie: Come quick!!! I AM HAVING A MIDLIFE CRISIS xxx

Gabby laughed, her sister always sent her dramatic texts, she was a very dramatic person hence she took Drama for A level.

Gabby: Ok, I'm on my way!

She walked up to Sophie's room and walked in, she was standing in the middle of the room. She was wearing a white towel robe and her wet hair was tied in a messy bun, she was rooting through her wardrobe.

"Um hey, what's up?!" Said  Gabby.

"Oh Gabby, thank goodness you're here, I can't decide what to wear. Will you help me?" asked Sophie, gently pulling Gabby by the wrist to the wardrobe of never ending jealously. Gabby loved helping her sister in any way and especially loved going through Sophie's clothes, hoping a top was too small, or a pair of denim jeans would be to tight then Sophie would give them to Gabby.

"Ok and you call this a midlife crisis?" asked Gabby, knowing what the answer would be.

"Um yea! I'm seeing Oliver later and I don't want him to think I am a stupid little girl with no fashion taste!" said Sophie. She looked stressed again and started looking through her wardrobe. The thing was with Gabby's sister, she would always put herself down and make herself feel bad about herself when she was perfect and Gabby loved her to bits.

"Of course he won't, he's only like ten months older than you, not a lot at all!" exclaimed Gabby smiling reassuringly and Sophie smiled back, she worried too much.

They looked through Sophie's wardrobe and finally found an outfit, a knee-length sleeveless buttercup yellow tunic and a pair of black leggings. Sophie then tied her hair up in a high pony-tail and then applied make-up to her already beautiful face. She looked in the mirror and pulled a half smile.

"Oh wow Sophie you look absolutely stunning!" exclaimed Gabby. It was true, she always looked her best.

"You really think so!" exclaimed Sophie.

"Yea! and Oliver is lucky to have you as a girlfriend!" said Gabby hugging her sister.

"Awe thanks, Luke is extra lucky to have you as a girlfriend!" exclaimed Sophie.

"Uh yea duh, I already know that!" exclaimed Gabby and the two sisters laughed.

"Well anyway thank you for helping me with my 'midlife crisis'" exclaimed Sophie.

"No problem hunny!" said Gabby, hugging Sophie.

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