Part 16

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When it got to midnight, they stopped watching films and sat around Arianna's bed with steaming mugs of hot chocolate, it  was actually a good night.

"Soooo, Gabby how is Luke?" asked Arianna, smirking. Gabby blushed and felt on the spot but she shook it off, no one was being mean.

"He' good, yea well we had our first kiss recently," said Gabby, blushing again. She knew it was a bit personal but it was what people spoke about at sleepovers.

"Oooh, what was it like?" asked Jenny, nudging Gabby. The kiss was magical, powerful and sweet, she didn't know how to explain that without sounding demented. Jenny thought it was really romantic and Arianna decided that everyone should tell true romance stories.Rachel told them  stories of boyfriends, her first one was one was when she was in year 6 and apparently he had loads of girlfriends at the same time so she dumped him.

"Actually he broke up with you," said Skye. Her and Rachel had been best friends since they had been at nursery.

"Um no actually , so tell us about Jerry," said Rachel, bursting out laughing when she said his name.

"Jerry!" exclaimed Lucy, who was Arianna's cousin and she was in the year below Sophie.

"Don't judge! Anyway when I was in year eight, Jerry and I literally just danced at a Valentines dance and then we kissed but then he broke up with me so yea," said Skye looking disappointed but then smiled and looked at Rachel. "Well at least I'm honest!" laughed Skye and Rachel sighed and rolled her eyes.

The others told their stories, it was funny listening to real life dramas. By 2 am they all were in their beds whispering in the dark like ghosts in a graveyard. Gabby was so tired, she didn't get much sleep the night before, her eyelids got heavy and just as she drifted off, a awful thought popped into Gabby's head, she hadn't seen her sister for a week. Gabby missed her and hoped that she would be ok, after she vanished just like she did. Tears replaced the sleep in her eyes and when the shadowy room became quiet, she let the tears slide. She didn't want to disturb anyone and she tossed and turned, trying to get to sleep but the tears wouldn't stop. She got her phone and switched it on and texted all her contacts, apart from the people in the room.

Oliver: Hello, are you ok? xx

He texted back so soon for this time of night, Gabby was suspicious but she ignored it, she couldn't keep jumping to conclusions like that. She would begin to lose friends.

Gabby: No, are you? x

Oliver: Eh, talk to me hun! xxxx

Why was Oliver saying hun? Also why four kisses? Why were his texts like something that Luke would send her? He seemed like had a crush on Gabby, she tried to push that thought away but it kept coming back, she couldn't deny it anymore. Gabby had always like Oliver and thought he was handsome, but so would anyone with his tanned skin, chocolate brown hair and green eyes. He was tall and muscular and according to Sophie, a great kisser, she couldn't have those sort of feelings for her sister's seventeen year old boyfriend, it was ridiculous and also she had Luke and she loved him to pieces but the more she told herself that she didn't like him, feelings that she didn't even know were there, began to appear. She didn't want to text him again, just in case she said something she regretted. Other than the fact she could barely keep her eyes open now, she realised she liked Oliver. He was that only one that didn't look at her with sympathy, he looked at her like she was a normal teenage girl, Luke was very romantic but Gabby could always tell he felt sorry for her and that was something that Gabby didn't want. She thought about Luke, she had only just made up with him and they had just had their first kiss, no she couldn't have feelings for him, she loved her boyfriend too much. She thought of the people she would hurt, her parents, Luke and Sophie, the main people that make her life worth living, she couldn't trash her relationship with them just for one silly schoolgirl crush.

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