Part 3

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Gabby was amazed! A surprise birthday party just for her! She saw a massive banner, tons of balloons, spotlights, music, food and loads of people. She ran up to her mum and hugged her.

"Oh mum! Thank you so much, were you the one who arranged this for me?" asked Gabby. Her mum laughed and shook her head.

"It's alright darling, but it wasn't all me," exclaimed her mum nodding towards Sophie. who was talking to Oliver but also grinning at Gabby.

"Hey Gabby!" said Sophie excitedly. She looked gorgeous, she was wearing a beautiful strapless sugar pink dress, she also wore a long, thin grey cardigan. Her golden hair, which was usually curly, was straight and slightly past her chest and she also had a fresh layer of make up on. She noticed that every single person were all dressed up and Gabby was just in jeans and a shirt, she found that quite awkward.

"I can't believe you did this for me! Only I look a bit of an outsider," said Gabby. She hated the fact that she sounded ungrateful but Sophie smiled and she looked at Oliver and laughed.

"Well in that case I think you should come with me!" exclaimed Sophie. Gabby was confused and wondered what was happening. Her older sister took Gabby into a little room, she locked the door and switched on the light. In front of Gabby was a beautiful blue dress, it had a small gold belt around the middle of the waist.

"Oh my goodness!" whispered Gabby. "Is that for me?" Sophie laughed and so did Gabby.

"Yes! Go on try it on, what are you waiting for! I've been saving up for that dress since summer, if you must know!" said Sophie. Gabby gasped and she tried on the dress, it fitted perfectly. She looked in the mirror and smiled.

"Looks great, but what about my hair?" asked Gabby.

"Don't you think I already thought about!" said Sophie getting out a hairbrush, hair bands and bobby pins. She sat Gabby in front of the mirror and she gently brushed her hair. "I was thinking I could do your hair in a high bun or a French plait?" Gabby smiled, both of those styles were her favourite.

"High bun, definitely!" exclaimed Gabby.

"Yes, I though you would choose that!" said Sophie.

Sophie did Gabby's hair beautifully and Gabby hugged her sister.

"Oh wow, you almost look as beautiful as me!" said Sophie flicking her hair back.

"Um no that's not true, I'm much beautiful!" joked Gabby and Sophie stood back in mock horror. "Nah just kidding, your ten times more prettier than me!"

"No I'm not! your perfect, pretty, smart and sexy!!" exclaimed Sophie.

"Awe thanks! Like you then!" exclaimed Gabby, Sophie smiled and then held out her hand.

"Come on, we shouldn't keep our party guests waiting!" said Sophie. They both walked down to the double doors, where Oliver and Luke were waiting. Luke hugged Gabby and held her by the waist and stared into her eyes.

"You look beautiful Gabby!" whispered Luke in her ear. His voice tickled and a shiver went down her spine and she smiled. She didn't know what to say, she wanted to say how handsome he was, but that was so cliché.

"Do I?" said Gabby stupidly. Luke smiled and placed his cold finger under her chin and moved her head towards him a little.

"yes," he whispered and as they leaned towards each other Gabby knew what was coming. Something all girls dream of and it was going to happen to her for the first time, in front of everyone. She felt nervous but didn't want to ruin the moment. Just as there lips were about to touch, Gabby heard Victoria squeal her name and Gabby automatically turned around. Her little sister was wearing the cutest red and white polka dot dress and Minnie mouse ears in her plaited blonde hair.

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