Part 18

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When Gabby tried to wake up, everything was a blur. There were machines beeping, people talking but she couldn't make out what they were saying. Everything was painful, her head and her leg mostly. She was in a hospital bed and a nebuliser was around her face, helping her to breathe. Her mum was sitting next to her, she was crying. A nurse came over and removed the thing from her mouth and she smiled.

"Hey are you ok sweetie?" asked Gabby's mum, stroking her face.

"I don't know, how long have I been here?" said Gabby, she tried to remember what happened.

"Two days, you've been unconscious, do you remember the accident?" asked her mum. It didn't feel right. She could remember the accident, she remembered everything. Colin was saying nice things and then the screams followed by the big crash. Gabby nodded, making her head hurt.

"Where is everyone?" asked Gabby. Her mum looked sad and forlorn, she didn't know why.

"In the café, it's like 9pm and Victoria was getting hungry after all this time," said her mum with a sad smile. Something was going on and Gabby didn't know what.

Victoria skipped into Gabby's room and hugged her, squashing her newly pronounced broken leg.

"Gabby your alive! Guess what!" exclaimed Victoria. She turned to their mum and she exchanged looks with their dad. Gabby was scared.

"What is it," said Gabby. Looking at her parents who looked worried.

"Sophie is alive and she is in this hospital!" exclaimed Victoria. Gabby couldn't believe, did Victoria just say that or did Gabby have concussion.

"What! Mum is this true?" said Gabby, excitement built up but she tried to push it down just in case she misheard.

"Yes, Victoria wasn't meant to tell you. That was very naughty!" said her mum looking at her daughter evilly.

"Mum can I see her? Oh mum please I have waited so long! Is she awake?" said Gabby, she was so excited. All the physical and mental pain had gone.

"Yes she is but she isn't ready to talk, she needs time away, she's.....had a terrible ordeal," said Gabby's mum suddenly in tears. Gabby felt sick.

"What happened to her? Did someone....kidnap her," asked Gabby, her mum nodded.

"Yes....the car you smashed was her kidnapper's, she was in the boot all drugged up," said her mum, they were all crying, Gabby had tears in her eyes but she couldn't cry yet, Sophie was alive.

"Who was it?" asked Gabby. She knew she was going to regret asking it and she was right.

"I'm so sorry, it was.....Oliver," said her mum. Gabby felt dizzy, Oliver? But he loved Sophie? He was so upset! But everything made sense, everything horrible suddenly came to life. Sophie being alive was meant to be good, but the stuff that came with it, was awful, the truth. Oliver was still alive and in prison. Gabby had kissed and fallen in love with her sister's kidnapper, how could she live with herself?

A bit later on at night, Gabby and her mum were just sitting and crying. Sophie wouldn't say anything, at all not even hello.

"Can I see her, please mum I can talk to her, she will say anything to me," said Gabby, it was true.

"No Gabby, I'm sorry. The nurses said you need to focus on getting better, maybe in a couple of days!" said her mum. Gabby tried to argue but her mum said something about the girls need to stick together and that the Taylor sisters have to be there for each other, which wasn't really relevant.

"What about Colin?" asked Gabby, realising she hadn't heard about him or anything. Her mum looked uncomfortable and more upset.

"Gabby I'm sorry, Colin...didn't make it, I'm so sorry I should of told you," said her mum, Gabby was confused, she didn't want to believe her.

"Didn't make what?" asked Gabby although she knew.

"Gabby Colin got brain damage and then.....then he had a heart attack, he was already unconscious. he didn't suffer, I promise," said her mum, crying. Gabby thought of what he said in the car, he wanted to be a better brother, he wanted to be someone who Gabby could talk to but he had been taken away from the world before Gabby could say thank you, before she could say she loved him. Her only brother was gone, her fight buddy was gone. They fought so much, such silly things, he was joking mostly. Why did Gabby have to take things so seriously?

On Saturday morning, Gabby was allowed to see her sister, she was so excited, yet scared. She looked a right state, there was a scar on the left side of her head and an ugly lemon coloured cast rested on her leg.

"Are you ok?" asked her mum as she got ready to wheel her along the corridor to Sophie's hospital room. Gabby wondered what she was going to say, she didn't have a clue. In her room, Sophie was slouched like a rag doll on the bed, her eyes staring at nothing, Gabby was going to get to talk to her, alone.

"Sophie," said Gabby softly. She parked her chair next to Sophie's bed, there were bruises and cuts on her, she had been beaten up. Presumably by Oliver and others. "Are you ok? I have missed you so much, ok I love you and whatever happens I will help you get through this ok! I know it's hard, whatever he did to you, I will help you get over it. You can tell me anything babe, you know that don't you!" said Gabby, holding her sister's hand. Sophie turned to look at her, her blue eyes were dull and watery, she looked so sad, scared and distance but she squeezed her sister's hand and that was enough for Gabby. She didn't need a response, her sister was here and Gabby was never going to let go of her, she was never going to lose her big sister again because the hand squeeze was so tight, that it stuck the girls together, the bond was strong and Gabby was convinced that they were never going to be apart again.

(Author note: as I said before the reason why I published this so quickly was because I was copy and pasting from my laptop 😂 I hope you guys enjoyed it and I shall be starting the sequel shortly ❤️)

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