Chapter 1

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*16 years ago*

Dianna POV

"I'm so, so, so sorry," I said as I kissed my baby's forehead. I gave her over to the social worker. I am signing away my rights today. She is going into foster care. I don't want to do this, but we already have two kids and Patrick is not the best father. All I get to do is name her, I am naming her Vanessa Trenitie Lova. I didn't want her to have my last name, I didn't want her to find me. I said bye to her once more and I turn away from her. I started sobbing. Patrick came in and sat down. He kissed my forehead and I looked away, I could leave tomorrow and see my other two daughters. That is all I want is to see them.

*3 years later*

Dianna POV

Demi is going to shoot her first show. It is Barney. It is Vanessa's birthday today. I am kinda sad and can only guess how my three year old is doing. I watched as Demi did so good taping. She is a natural.

*13 years later*

Vanessa POV

"Ness get down her now," my foster mom called. She is such a bitch, she yells, screams, and hits me all the time. I hate her with all my heart, but she takes care of me, so I will always be grateful. It is a bittersweet situation.

"I'm coming," I called. I had school today. I took my phone and ran to school because I was late. I stopped half way because I got a phone call.

"Hey Laney," I said. It was my social worker.

"Hey, how is your foster mom," she asked.

"The same," I sighed. She knew she wasn't the best, but at least I had a home.

"Okay, if you need anything call me," she said.

"Thanks Laney," I said. She was like a mom to me and I love her. Even know that she couldn't say that, I could. I ran the rest of the way. I finally got there and entered the gates. I was on scholarship to the private school of Dallas, Texas. I heard it is really good. I walk into the gates and people look at me. I had always had people stare at me. They bully me and everything. I turn sixteen tomorrow, I am so happy. I walk into my first class, it was drama. It was mandatory and I had to take it. I hate getting in front of other people. It makes me look like a tomato.

"Okay, today is class we are getting a script that we are going to act out in class. My daughter watches Disney Channel and so it inspired me to find a couple scripts offline for us to do. It is off a movie called 'Camp Rock'. It will be a 200 point grade and this will make or break you. This is going to be the last play and I will be casting today and tomorrow after school. I am going to cut the script back for school purposes, so it is only fourty-five minutes to one hundred twenty minutes. Who will be auditioning afterschool today? This and another class is the only ones because we are in AP drama," she finished.

"Raise your hand," she said. I wanted to get this over with, so I raised mine. Four other girls raised and five guys raised their hands. I won't get the role. I am not good enough, I am probably going to get behind the scenes or host or something.

"You have to be there right after school," she finished.

*After School*

"Okay, so I gave you your scripts, I want you to read the first two pages and then sing with your partner," she said.

"First up Leighton and Jake," she said. I got my phone out and texted my house mother I would be late. It took them like 10 to finish.

"Now I want Vanessa and Roy," she called. I am not the best singer, so I am going to bomb it, but whatever, I love being a host. I finished my lines and sang and then got off stage. I walked out and she said that the results will be up hopefully Wednesday afterschool. It probably will be she is a very precise teacher. I walked home and walked in, I forgot it was my day to clean and cook dinner. I quickly got out some fish and put it into some warm water. I went upstairs to the other girl's room. We have ten girls in this six bedroom house. We use two of them as a study and play room. Ms. Tutuie has her own. In my house we have ages eight months-fifteen which is my age. We have Ella, age eight months, Grace, one year old, Hazel, one year old, Florence, nine months old. They all share a room. London, age six, Valentina, age six, Victoria age seven. They share a room. I share a room with a 14 and 15 year old. Scarlett who is 14 and Marnie who is 15, we all get along pretty well.

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