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Ella POV

We are going to watch Alice and Wonderland 2. Demi and mommy are sitting on the couch and I am in between them. I got mommy’s hands and Aunty Demi’s hands. Aunty Demi has lots of drawings on her arms.

“Mommy, Aunty Demi why do you have white drawings,” I asked. Mommy has lots and Aunty Demi has some too.

“They aren’t drawings baby, they are battle wounds,” Aunty Demi said.

“Can I have some,” I asked.

“No, baby you can’t. I pray to God every night that you won’t,” mommy said.

“Okay mommy, I love you,” I said.

“I love you too,” mommy said back.

We watched the movie and then I got woken up.

“Baby, time for school,” Demi woke me up. I got up and we curled my hair today. We put on my clothes and Demi took me to school so mommy could sleep in a little since it was her birthday.

“Okay, you’re not going to school today. You are going to help set up mommys birthday party,” Aunt Demi said.

“I know, she will be 21,” I laughed.

Demi POV

Ella was going to help us set up the party. We went back to the house and she got out to probably go to mom. Ella was just going to be around because we didn’t want to check her out for 2:00. She was gonna go with Maddie to get the cake and get her a birthday present.

Vanessa POV

I walked into the house and all the lights were out. I went into the living room and I turned on the lights, so I can sat my stuff down. It was almost time to go and get Ella.

“Surprise,” I heard my family and friends call. I smiled. I thought they forgot.

“Mommy, happy birthday,” Ella came and jumped up at me.

“Thank you baby girl,” I smiled at her. She has literally been my life. I got together with a guy two years ago, and he changed quickly. We moved in with him about 5 months after we got together and he beat up on us. I got us out of there last year and we moved back in here and I have put faith in her ever since. I am going to school to be a Dental Hygienist. I now to make some money am a model part time. I mean here in L.A. and in Texas. It gives me enough money to pay for thing for Ella and I. They spoil her rotten. She gets anything and everything she wants because all the girls in this family have shopping problems especially Demi, she online shops for Ella all the time, she apologizes for not being able to take her out. She is really busy. She has movies, music, and shows going on at the moment and has barely anytime.

“Happy birthday honey,” mom said.

“Okay, so we are going to mingle then we will do cake and presents,” mom added.

I went to greet all the people here. I knew who put together the guest list. I have made friends with some of Demi’s friends, but not that many. Like Marissa, I have made friends with her. Some of Demi’s friends who are moms, I am friends with them too. I go down to the kids’ table in-between greeting and Ella is there with her best friends, Penelope and Kate. They have been friends since they were like 3. I introduced Kate to Penelope and Ella. Penelope’s mom and I met at a photo shoot. She met Kate at her school. I send Penelope to public school, whereas Penelope’s parents send her to private school.

“Can we please have cake now,” I felt Ella tug on my shirt.

“Sure lets go tell grandma,” I smiled. I walked over to Dianna.

“Mom can we have cake no, this little one want it,” I giggled.

“Sure,” she smiled.

“Everyone, we are going to open presents and eat,” she said.

~~After Party

“Thanks really,” I said.

“No problem,” Dianna smiled. She kissed my forehead and went to finish picking up. I was drinking coffee with Dallas, Maddie, and Demi. Ella was asleep on my lap.

“I am 21. I am 2 freakin 1. I am getting old,” I laughed

“And I am 30 get over it,” Dallas laughed.

“I am getting there I am 25,” Demi said.

“I am 16 suckers,” Maddie laughed.

“Can we not,” I asked.

“So what was your favorite present,” Demi asked.

“This little picture Ella drew,” I smiled.

“I can’t wait to have kids,” Maddie said.

“Your waiting until your older,” I said.

“You were 15,” she said.

“I was ready. I was pregnant when I was 14,” I said.

“Whatever,” Maddie rolled her eyes.

“If you get pregnant, I will be very disappointed, no matter how much of a hypocrite I am,” I laughed.

“Okay, I am going to bed, I have practice early in the morning,” she said. We all hugged her.

“I don’t have school tomorrow. I am so happy. I am almost done. Then I can either be a dentist or a model,” I said.

“Be a model, you’re so sexy,” Demi said.

“Shut up, so are you,” I laughed.

“You forgot about me,” Dallas said posing. I laughed. I am surprised that Ella didn’t wake up.

“You are so sexy,” I dragged the so out.

“I will be back, let me go put this one is pajamas and bed,” I dismissed myself.

I brought her up to her pinkified room. For her 6 birthday Demi redid her room for her. She has a big princess bed, it is really cute. I put some pajamas on her and tucked her in.

“Goodnight baby, sweet dreams,” I said. I got on my bathing suit and put on my clothing over it.

“Hey you guys can you come out back with me,” I asked. They nodded. We got out there and I pushed them both in there. I took my clothes off and got in.

“You’re a bitch,” Demi said.

“So are you,” I blew a kiss at her.

“That was fucking cruel,” Dallas said.

“You know you love me,” I laughed and winked. I came prepared. We did this at least once a month. The three of us got together, just us. Maddie sometimes came with us, but she is really busy.

“I love this time of the month,” I said.

“What time,” Dallas asked.

“The time that all three of us get together,” I said.

“Aww,” Demi cooed.

“Let’s get out,” I said. I helped them out of the water and then they pushed me in.

“Yeah, real mature,” I laughed. We all got a shower and then fell asleep cuddling.

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