Chapter 1 - Crazy Prussians and Angry Canadians

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  Ashland squealed with pain and coughed up blood as Prussia kicked her in her chest as she lied on the cold, hard ground. "Pr-Prussia!" She squealed. "Please st-stap!" He smirked and kicked her harder. "Vhy ze hell should I?" He asked, kicking her again. He kicked her again and again causing to squeal in pain and finally she stopped. It hurt even more when she made noise. She held in her squeals and shrieks untill she couldn't anymore. She screamed in pain. Prussia quickly bent down and grabbed her by her bloodied white hair. "Shut va hell up. Vo you know vat happen if I get caught?! I go to vail and vou will die. I vill kill you!" He shouted and threw her down onto the bloodied grass as hard as he could. She squealed as she felt her skull crack. "Vou're not even a vreal country..." He said as he marched off to his own country. Vhy does he always do this ta me? Vhy does he say I'm nat a real country? I became independent a year ago... I may have became depressed but that doesn't mean I'm nat a real country. Ashland always thought like this when he attacked her, waiting until she felt enough strength to walk home. She finally got up after almost an hour and grabbed the white hoodie that had been thrown from her and slipped it on. 

  I'll take a shortcut through my sunflowers... She thought as she pushed the tall sunflowers out of her way. She was careful as she pushed them, being very important to her. They were very beautiful and were the only thing in her country that didn't die almost immediately. Many of her citizens committed suicide, died of cancer, murder or some other reason. It was almost always before they should die. This, along with the Prussia attacks and becoming independent from her father, made her fall into depression. She barely left the house except to go to world meetings and to check on her sunflowers. Nearly nobody ever visited, with rare exception of her father Canada. She had been adopted by Canada when she was very little. She only became independent a year ago but could remember Prussia attacking as long as she could.   She finally made it home, she grabbed her scissors and went to the shower. She took off her hoodie, which the blood soaked through and took off her small white dress. She started the shower and sat in the tub. She took the scissors and slit her wrist several times as hot tears streamed down her face. The deep red of her blood ran down her wrist and washed down the drain along with the blood from her injuries. She went to cut again when there was a knock at the door. A knock? At my door? M-Maybe they're lost...

  She got out and put on her pajamas quickly. She opened the mirrior and wrapped her wrist with the gauze she had. She also wrapped her ribs and knee. Her PJ's covered her ribs and knee. She let the bathroom, turning the light off behind her. She looked out her peephole to see who it was. Papa...? Is that him...? It is!!  Upon realizing it was Canada she whipped open the door and hug him tightly. "Papa!" She shouted... Well, not really, it was more like talking at a normal level since she had such a small voice. "H-Hello baby... Y-You alright?" He asked, hugging her back. She nodded and gave an actual smile, she was happy now that Canada was here! "I missed vou!" She said, looking up her father. He smiled then frowned, noticing cuts and bruises. "A-Ashtin... How did y-you get these c-cuts, eh?" Her eyes widened slightly, she had completely forgotten about them. She pulled her Papa into the big white and pink living room and sat down with him on the couch.

  "Ashtin... How did it happen, eh?' She swallowed. "P-Papa... I-I was a-a-attacked by Pr-Pr-Prussia. Pl-Please don't t-tell anyb-body!" She said, tears streaming down her face. Mathew pulled her close and stroked her hair. "Pl-Please don't cry... I-I'll deal with Prussia,eh." Ashland shook her head. "Pl-Please Papa, dan't!' "Ashtin, I'm stronger th-than I look, eh." She hugged him tightly and clutched onto his red hoodie with tight fists. "Pl-Please dan't Papa... Please..." He frowned and gently stroked her hair. Blood started to drip down her hair and onto his hand. "Ash-Ashtin..." He said in extremely worried tone. She looked up at him. "Y-You're bleeding, eh!" She nodded slightly. "VI know... I cr-cracked my sk-skull tad-day... Vi-it's nat a big deal." She said weakly. "Y-Yes it is! W-We need to get you t-to a doctor, eh!" Ashtin jumped up. "No!" She shouted, for real this time. "N-Never!" "Ashland! You have to!" She shook her head and backed away. Canada grabbed her wrist. "NO! PRUSSIA STOP!!" She screamed. Canada's eyes widened and let go gently. Ashland's eyes widened realizing what she said. "I-I'm sorry Papa... I-I'm s-s-sorry!" She said quietly, breaking down into extreme sobs. Her knees started to buckle, Mathew caught her held her close. "I-I-I-I-I'm s-s-so s-s-sorry..." She sobbed as Canada stroked her hair.  "Shhh.... Baby, it's okay... it's okay." He whispered and kissed the top of her head. He looked down and noticed the gauze on her wrist. "B-Baby... why is there g-gauze on your wrist, eh?" She shook her head, not wanting to tell him. "Ashtin, please." He said in the way she had never been able to say no to. She swallowed and sat straight in front of him. She took the gauze and slowly unwrapped it. The cuts had stopped bleeding. It showed many new cuts and hundreds of scars. Mattie gasped in shock and covered his mouth. He gently took her wrist. "Wh-why didn't you t-tell me, eh?" He asked, obviously hurt. "VI-VI'm sorry Papa..." "When did this st-start, eh?" "S-Soon after VI-VI became in-independent.' His eyes widened again. "B-Baby... D-Do you... want to come home, eh?" She shook her head then nodded then shook her head again. "I-I don't know!" She cried into his chest. 

  After a while Ashtin had fallen asleep on Mattie's lap on the couch. He smiled down at her then carried her to her room before leaving. He went home and slammed the door. "Pr-Prussia!" he yelled. Tired of waiting for him, he stormed into their bedroom. "Prussia! Get your ass up, eh!" Prussia woke up, startled by the Canadian's language. "B-Birdie, what's wrong?" Canada frowned. "When were you going to tell me, eh?" Prussia raised an eyebrow. "Vat are vou talking about?" "Ashland!" "V-Vow did you find out?" Canada tightened his jaw. "How do ya think, eh?!" "I-I was only pr-protecting her, birdie..." "How is attacking her protecting her, eh?" Prussia's eyes widened. They weren't talking about the same thing. "W-Wait, birdie. Vat are you tallking about?" He asked, getting out of the bed. "You attacking my daughter! C-Causing her to hurt h-herself,eh!' "B-Birdie..." "D-Don't fucking 'Birdie' me right now, eh! I'm pissed,eh!" He shouted, his hair falling into his face. "W-Well when w-were vou going to t-tell her about u-us?" Canada growled at him and towered aboved him looking down. "It wasn't a problem before, eh!" "Really? Ashland knew vou were gay?" "No but what does that have to do with, eh?" "What if-" "Her country wouldn't have gay marriage rights if she didn't support it, eh!" "Mattie... I-It's not that ba-" "Bad? Really?! You cracked her fucking skull today and she refuses to see a doctor, eh!! Do you have a-any idea what it's like to w-worry about someone everyday?!" The albino country nodded. "Mattie, I worry about vou every zay... I-I worry vat you'll fall i-into depression again and try 'it' again..." Canada shook his head. "That's not the same, eh..." "Birdie, does she even know about zat?" "No. You are not to tell her, eh." Prussia frowned and climbed back into bed. "What are you doing, eh?" "I-I can't do vis. I can't fight with you." "Why not?" The tall Canadian asked irritated. Gilbert rolled over and looked at him. "Vou haven't even told her. Does vour brudder know? Fadder?" Canada nodded. "Yes, they know, eh." Canada said, taking his hoodie off and his t-shirt. He sat on the edge of the bed. "Tell me why you d-do this to my b-baby, eh." Prussia sat up and looked down at his lap. "I-I vonestly don't know Birdie." "I d-don't care the reason... Y-You need to st-stop or I-I'm leaving you, eh." Canada said before climbing in the bed. He pulled up the blanket and Kuji came to cuddle with him. "Who're you?" "I'm Canada..." He whispered to him beore nodding off, not bothering to tell Prussia he loved him liked he always did. 

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