Chapter 5 - Hospitals and Confused Russians and Larger Countries

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  While Ashland was in the hospital neither Canada nor Russia left France once. Canada slept at his father's while Russia slept in her hospital room. He slept slumped over in a plastic chair in the corner of the room. This whole mess was seriously hurting Russia yet you would never be able to tell. he hid it all behind a soft smile, comforting words for Canada and the rest of her family and sheer strength but when everybody left he couldn't be strong. No matter how hard he tried. He went hold her hand tightly while sitting next to her bed and cry. He would cry until he fell asleep there or a nurse came in to check on her. Russia was on the bed this time, holding her tightly. He sobbed, trying to control him self. "D-Dad?" Russia looked up to see his son Moscow. Russia quickly wiped his tears away. "H-Hello, Moscow. Finally come to see me, da?" He asked still holding Ashland's unconscious body close to him. Moscow nodded and fixed his white bangs out of his face. "Yeah, I-I-I thought y-you might need someone to t-talk to..." The shy city said quietly. Russia had no clue where he got that from, probably the woman he had met all of once before he found Moscow on his doorstep saying that Russia was his dad. Russia gently laid Ashland down, he fixed her hair to the side and kissed her forehead. He stood up and hugged his son. "I-I-I missed y-you Dad." Russia loked down at him and raised an eyebrow. "If you missed me why didn't you visit, da? You live in my country for pete's sake." Russia said this, smiling all the while. Moscow hadn't come to see him in a very long time. "I-I know, I-I-I'm sorry." Moscow looked over at Ashland. "W-Whats her name, da?" "Ashland. She's one with our country and... I love her." Moscow looked shocked, Russia had nearly given him up. Russia thought he would loose control and kill him, the same reason Russia can't even look at dogs anymore. Russia just kept his distance from Moscow, hating himself for it. "I-I-I don't even kn-know what t-t-to say, da..." Moscow said in shock. Russia sighed. I think I want to marry her. He thought and looked at her with sadness. I bet she would say no. The other countries would get to her and convince her to say no. I'm an idiot for even thinking about asking, da. "D-Dad, you okay?" Russia shook his head 'no' but said "Ja..." He was using Ashland's word for yes... It brought tears to his eyes when he realized what he said. "D-Dad, I think y-you need t-to leave her f-for a little bit, I-I know you've been sleeping h-here." Russia quickly turned on him. "You don't fucking tell me what to do! I'll stay here if I fucking want!" Russia yelled, clenching his fists and scaring the shit out of Moscow. The aura started to come across Russia, he raised his fist to punch Moscow... He saw Ashland out of the corner of his, the aura quickly vanished and he dropped his fist. "I-I-I-I'm so sorry, Moscow, da!" Moscow was even more confused. "D-Dad, I think she may be rubbing o-off on you. I-In a good way." 

  Moscow stayed for a while and for the first time actually talked with his father. They got along and eventually Moscow hugged his father and left. Russia went to the bed and sat on the edge. He looked her up and down and became very confused. She was bigger, as in taller. Her legs and arms and torso were longer. Her chest was bigger. She wasn't as thin but still as pale. "Ashtin... What's going on?" He asked her as if he was expecting an answer.Her held her hand and ran his other gently up her arm. It was definitely longer. He looked at her legs, wanting to feel them too but he didn't knowing how she would react if she were awake. He stood up and kissed her forehead. He put on his coat and headed to Ashland. He was in shock as he was surrounded by fields and fields of sunflowers. He walked through them slowly, not believing that this was real. He stepped out on the other side and smiled. He put his hand out as tiny snowflakes fell into his huge hand. Snow. He looked up and smiled then went on. The cities looked like they belonged in Japan. They had tall skyscrapers that glowed in the dark winter night. There were people everywhere, everywhere. Russia smiled and decided to go to where her house was. There was a huge house, almost as big as Russia's. There was a sign in the yard. "We love our country, thank you so much Ashtin. Love, All Of Ashland." Russia almost cried with joy. He turned to leave and saw the tree that he and Ashtin were sitting at before the fire started. The tree was different, it was bigger now. Healthier, maybe. Ivan walked over to it out of pure curiosity. On a high branch, wrapped around it, being blown by the wind and the snow was his scarf. He quickly reached for it, unwrapped it and put it on. It smelled like Ashtin, not her country but her. As though she had washed it for him and kept it with her and finally gave it back. He thought it was gone, just like he thinks Ashland might be. How could her country be thriving without Russia pondered on this as he made his way back to the hospital. 

   "Don't let him in. He needs to go home." The doctor told the gaurd at the front as Russia approached. The gaurd stood in front of him. "You do not have permission to enter this building, sir." "You must let me in, my f-f-fiance is in there." "Fiance?" "No, she's just a girlfriend." The doctor chimed in. "You can't come in here. You need to go home, get some sleep. We've been kind and allowed you to stay past visiting hours." "You don't understand, da! You have to let me in!" The doctor shook his head and head back inside. Russia charged at him, the gaurd failing to stop him. He grabbed the doctor by the collar of his shirt. "You damn well better let me see her." He growled. France and Canada were in the waiting room, able to see everything. "Russia~! What's going on?" France asked, Russia turned to him. "This dumbass won't let me go inside, or see Ashtin!" He growled as he started to choke the doctor. "Russia, calm down. Put the 'dumbass' down." Russia sighed angrily and set him down. "You have to let him, do it as a favor for me." The doctor caught his breath. "Fine, go on." The doctor had barely said when Russia ran past everybody in the lobby. He stopped realizing who al was in the waiting room. He went back. "Why i-is everybody h-here, da?" He asked fearing the worst. Italy, Germany, Japan, Canada, America, England and France. Germany stood up, gently pushing the sobbing Italian off of him. He had Russia follow him into the hall. "Don't vorry Ivan, she isn't dead. They vink fragments of her skull vare cutting zinto her brain, being vhy she vasn't woken vup zet. They vare going to zo a cat scan on her." Tears welled in Ivan's eyes, his hands tightened to fists. He turned and leaned against the wall. He punched the wall, breaking a hole into it, drywall cutting into his hand. "Russia!" Germany shouted, the Russian simply pulled out the pieces hastily. Russia wiped the blood on his pants and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, da. I'm just worried." "We all zare, it'll be alright. I promise." Russia nodded and they went to the waiting room. Russia sat in the corner, away from everybody as assumed they would want. He gave sad smile to Canada. Canada shook his head. "N-No, sit w-w-with us, eh." Everybody enchanged glances then smiled... except the idiot italian who was cry. He didn't even know why he was crying really. Germany held the idiot close anyways. Russia moved and sat with everybody. They talked and talked until a doctor came and told them that they were about to do the cat scan. "Only two of you can come."

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