Chapter 1-25 May

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You know those days that feel so good? They make you think life can't get better or happier? Today's started out as one of those days.

My world is as close to perfect as it gets. My best friend Eleanor and I are sitting at dairy queen eating ice cream while flipping through a celebrity magazine. With gorgeous guys all over the mall. Nothing to worry about or stress over, just two girls wasting time happily.

Can you say perfect?

Does life get any better for a seventeen year old girl? Nah, I have chocolate ice cream so this is perfect. El waved a hand in front of my face.

'Stop dreaming about how great chocolate ice cream is and watch your hair!' Oops, I pushed back my jet black hair which had almost ended up in the bowl.

'You just wish your hair was as long as mine.' I smirked at El's short blond hair. She rolled her eyes and tucked a loose strand behind her ear.

'Ooh Evie, look who's posters in here!' She pointed at a double page poster of Same Difference. Stupid band.

'He cut his hair, right?' I nodded and stared at the 21 year old boy with black hair and a smart ass smirk. James Whitmoor. Most people just call him James Moor. Uhg, what a tool.

'I wonder if he ever thinks about me?' I murmured.

'He probably doesn't remember you, he was six when your parents divorced.' El wrapped an arm around me. I nodded and closed the magazine in annoyance.

'Forget them, it’s been 15 years and I wanna go to Forever 21!' I scooped the last spoon of ice cream into my mouth and El quickly finished her mint ice cream.

'That's the spirit Evie! Spend ya dad’s money!' I grinned at my best friend and we tapped our credit cards together.

My dad left me a trust fund so I get a decent amount of money every month and El's parents, well, they just spoil her. What a lucky set of teens, huh?


Four hours and too much shopping later:

El and I squeezed all our bags into my mom’s boot and climbed into the back of her car. I'm so glad El's sleeping over, I still love sleepovers.

'Mom, can you turn on the radio?' She turned it on and a familiar song played. Even though it was almost finished I still recognized it.

My mom went stiff in her seat.

It's been too long...

thought I forgot cha

thought I let you go

No... your still my baby girl

loving you is like loving a memory

why can't I have you by my side?

You are my past, forever I will beg for you! (Yeeeeeeeeahhhhhh)

Never gonna give in, not gonna forget

I miss you, miss you, miss you

Wish I could tell ya! (Ohhhhh)

I'm awake! I'm alive! But without the other half its like part of me is missing.

I shoulda protected you.

not left...

Forgive me? (Please?)

The song ended and Eleanor immediately wrapped her arms around me.

'That was one of your brother's songs, wasn't it?' I just nodded as my mom stopped at a red light,

'It's called Forgive me? He said he wrote it for a girl he left.' My mom answered in a stiff voice.

El is one of the very few people who knows the real story about my family. My dad is Louis Whitmoor, music producer, owner of "Moor Music" and manager to Same Difference. They're a boy band, famous all over the world for their 'pop rock' music. The lead singer is James Whitmoor, my 21 year old brother.

My dad left us when I was four and James was six, the courts gave custody of James to my dad and I was given to my mom. I haven't heard from either of them for about 15 years. I only read about my brother in magazines, how sad is it that I still care?

Pretty pathetic.

The traffic light changed to green and my mom pulled away from the stop street. El released me from the hug and moved back into her seat behind my mom. I heard a loud horn and turned just in time to see a truck barrelling towards their side of the car.

I screamed and grabbed El's hand as the truck hit us full on.

The car rolled. My mom screamed but El silently clutched my hand and stared into my eyes, It was like she knew this was an important moment. We slammed into another car and I shut my eyes.

When the car stopped I opened my eyes. Im covered in splinters of glass and my arms sting with little cuts where it's caught me.


There was a huge shard of glass in her chest and blood everywhere.

'El! Look at me, it’s gonna be ok! I promise!' I panicked and unclipped my seat belt.

'Evelyn, I-I can't feel it. There's nothing.' She looked down at the blood streaming from her chest.

'You're my best friend, don't forget that ok?' She murmured. I nodded as tears streamed down my face.

She slowly closed her eyes and I panicked. No, El, no! I glanced around, people were running towards the car. We had rolled off the road and down a hill.

'Evelyn!? Baby?' I turned to my mom, she didn't look hurt but there were tears running down her face.

'Baby. I love you so much. I love you.' More tears sprang to my eyes.

'No! Mom! Don't leave me! Please don't leave me too. I love you so much!' I hugged her around her seat and sobbed, I felt her go still but I couldn't let go. I just couldn't let go of my mommy. She'll be okay, she has to be okay, its just shock, she must have passed out.


The ambulance workers had to pull me off my mom as I screamed and tried to get back to her but the man just held me to his chest. Eventually I stopped fighting and sobbed into his shoulder, my blood stained fingers clinging to his jacket.

I watched as they removed my mom first, they strapped her to a stretcher as others carefully lifted El out of the car.

'Why aren’t they helping them!? Why- why aren’t they saving them!?' I shouted as El was strapped to a stretcher and slowly, so slowly, moved away from the car.

Then they covered her with a blanket, they covered her face.

She's... No! Eleanor! Mom? No, no, no! I began screaming and trying to get to them. I have to do something! I have to save them! I have to...

I felt a sharp pain in my arm and saw the needle. My struggles lessened and I felt tired. No...

I blacked out.

Author's Note: Hi *Waves awkwardly*

I hope you guys like it! I know it’s quite sad right now but it will get better.


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