Chapter 14-Pfft, me? Nah

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Liam stared at me for a second then grabbed my bag and started for the door. Maybe I don't have to wriggle out of it? My luck is awesome.

We got in the car in silence, he spoke as we pulled out of my road. 'I want the truth, Donna.'

Never mind, I don't have good luck.

'Call me Evelyn, I hate the name Donna. My dad picked it.'

'Ok, now come on, I won't tell anyone but I have to know the truth.'

'My name is Evelyn Whitmoor, my dad‘s Louis Moor. Get it? He shortened it.'

Liam slammed on breaks and I launched forward painfully against my seatbelt.

'Ow! Liam!?' He started the car and drove slowly.

'How did I not know he had a daughter? I know about his son, wait that makes you James Moor's sister!? Harry will go mad he loves Same Difference.'

'They're not all that. James is a jerk, Logan's a liar and Marcel’s... ok Mars is nice, a little nerdy but really sweet.'

'Marcels a nerd?'

'Yep and the others are jerks.' He was silent for a minute.

'What about your mom? She divorced him right?'

'He abandoned us fifteen years ago and took James with him. My mom had to work three jobs until I was about twelve when he set up a trust fund for me. It paid the rent, school and food so mom only had to work one job.'

'I still don't get why your dads trying so hard to get a hold of you?'

'I ran away from him after three unbearable months of living with him and Same Difference.'

'You ran away? Wait, why were you living with your dad if he left you..?'

'That's not important.' He sped through a red robot, a truck jolted at us and I clutched the door handle.

'P-please don't do t-that L-Liam.' He looked over at me.

'Scared of going a little fast?'

'I don't like cars that much.'

'Oh, ok? So what was so bad at your father's place?'

'Firstly I hate him, second, they try to control my every move. My appendix burst and they tried to keep me in a hospital for a month then when I came home they got this horrible nurse and then James and my father forgot my birthday and treated me like a spoiled brat.' I ranted.

'Maybe they were just worried about you when they got the nurse?'

'And my birthday? Treating me like a helpless baby?'

'Maybe they still see you as the baby they left? Did you think of that, Evelyn?'

'Well, no, not really but I'm still mad.' He chuckled and parked the car.

We're here? That was quick. Liam got out and I followed him. He rolled my suitcase, put my backpack on his back and grabbed my laptop case.

'Um, thanks Liam.'

'Sure, follow me. The contestants are being flown to a resort where the rest of the competition will be shot. The ladies jet is right through here,' He gestured towards a door which I opened for him since his hands were kinda full.

Through the door I saw a huge white jumbo jet, most of the contestants were on the plain except one. I spotted the bright red hair and ran from Liam's side.

'Jenna!' She whipped her head around and her ponytail wacked the side of her head.

'Evelyn!!!' She hurtled herself towards me and gave me a bone crushing hug.

'You made it through! I'm so glad Evelyn!'

'Me too but Jenna? You're crushing me.' She let go and caught sight of Liam.

'Why is Liam James Payne following you with a hideous green suitcase?'

'He drove me to my flat to get my stuff since I don't have a car. Don't be mean to my case.'

'Oooh lucky, although I prefer Louis The Tommo Tomlinson!' I rolled my eyes and noticed a flight attendant loading my bags. Time to say good bye.

'Listen, Liam? Thank so much for your help and all but I know from now on I'm just another contestant. Guess this is good bye?' He pulled me into a gentle hug.

'We're still friends silly. I'll be at the house with you so don't worry.' He pulled my phone out of my back pocket and input his number.

'Text me if you need anything, even if it’s just to talk, kay?' I nodded and boarded the plane with my phone held tightly in my hand.

Jenna saved me a seat and I grinned at her.

'Thanks Jen.'

'No probs. So is what did your parents say when you told them you got through?'

'I didn't tell them, my dad and I don't get on much.'

'And your mom?'

'She, um, she died but I think she'd be proud.'

'Sorry. Well my dad’s thrilled and my mom. My step-mom thinks I should focus on school but I can tell she's really proud.'

We talked about random things from One Direction to marshmallows and M&Ms. Her favourite are marshmallows, I'll take M&Ms any day.

I can't believe I made two friends here already. I only managed one friend in my entire schooling life. Liam and Jenna will get me through this.


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