Chapter 2

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Weston's p.o.v
I tried to chase after her but she left the classroom so fast. I exit the class and the halls are flooded with people.
"UH, there's no way I'm gonna be able to find her now!" I say

I look up and down the hall, I just wanted to talk to her, I can't get those beautiful eyes out of my head. I spot her wavy brunette hair and I run down the hall trying to avoid running into anyone. I stop at her locker she doesn't know I'm here she closes her locker and she freezes.

Sarah's p.o.v
Oh my god he's at my locker what do I do?!

He speaks "Please don't run away I just want to talk." I nod but I don't say anything. He asks if he can have my number, he's really cute and seems really sweet so I gave it to him, he leaves.

Skips to end of day
I put my things in my locker grab my bag and exit the school. Right when I get on the bus I get a text from Weston.

W is Weston. S is Sarah
W- So wanna hang out tomorrow?
S- sure I wouldn't mind making new friends.
W- awesome! Meet me at the district park at 4
S- Kk

And that was the end of the convo I also changed Weston's contact name to 'Weston 😁☺️'

I got home and did homework. It's getting late so I wash off my make up and hop into bed.

My eyes get heavy and I fall asleep.

Next morning

I wake up to my alarm going off I try hitting snooze but I keep missing "uhh." I groan.

I get up wash my face and brush my hair so I don't look like a zombie. I look into my closet to see what I could find.

It was chilly today so I picked a blue buttoned shirt with some black leggings, I put a red scarf on and wore some brown heels.(picture above)

I put on some make up only mascara and some Matt lipstick. I only eat an apple I then brush my teeth grab my bag and tell my mom I'm leaving "bye sweetie!" I hear her yell as I close the door, on my way out I see Weston.

"Ayyyy weston! I didn't know you lived across the street from me!" "Same for you." I hear him yell back.

Once we get to school a bunch of boys start whistling and saying "damn." I ignore it and continue walking with Weston.

He grabs my hand. I look up at him and give him this what are your doing kind of look. He then puts his arms around my waist and pulls me closer, I start to blush I'm a bit uncomfortable but I feel safe.

Westons p.o.v
Right when we walk into school a bunch of boys start whistling and howling at Sarah. I start to get mad and i don't want anyone doing that to her.

I grab her hand and pull her closer to me so it seems like she's mine even tho she has no idea what I'm doing. I look over at her and she's blushing.

I just smile and continue walking down the hall until I trip and fall over something. And everything goes black.

A/N this story probably isn't gonna get many views or stars and anything like that. But I still enjoy writing! So I'm gonna still continue until I completely finish this story 😆🙃😋

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