Harry Riddle

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:Harry's POV:

Dear Harry,

I know this sounds weird, but I just found out that I am a Riddle. Also, I think you might be one too. I found this book and it had all the wizarding families. I am enclosing a picture of the page. Please tell me if anything in the description happens to you on your birthday. Sorry for not mailing you for this long.

Hermione x

I looked at the picture she had enclosed.

                                     {AR} Anna Riddle PB - Tom Riddle HB {TR}

               {HR}  Hermione Riddle PB     -twins-       Harry Riddle PB {HR}

When the come of age, they have appearance changes. For example, if they are adopted, they will look like their adoptive parents. However, their look will change completely, as a charm would have been put on them as a baby, or when they were adopted, to make them look like their parents.

It was my birthday in a week. Well, I'll just have to see.. I was also invited back to redo my 7th year at Hogwarts. I also got appointed Head Boy but I turned it down, I just want a normal year without anyone trying to kill me or something. Hermione probably got appointed Head Girl. Wonder who is Head Boy next...


Tap Tap.

Hermione's owl was fluttering near my window. I opened the window and let it in. It was carrying a HUGE parcel. I wondered what that was for. I untied the present and fed her owl, whilst reading the card.

Dear Harry,

Happy Birthday! Remember to check the Riddle thing! Hopefully my owl found you alright. Hope you like my present!

Love,                                                                                                                                                                                   Hermione x

Oh yeah.. The Riddle thing, I remembered as a sharp pain went through my head. I shook it off, thinking it was the wind or something, after all, the window was open. I unwrapped the present. It was a large box, full of sweets and chocolate. There was also a big book. Typical Hermione. I took the book out and read the title. Wizarding Families 101. I opened the book and saw that there was a bookmarked page. Page 360. (360th word!) It had the Riddles. The exact same page as the one in the letter. I looked at the picture of 'Harry Riddle'. It looked NOTHING like me :). Phew. Wait.. The description. I went to my bathroom, which thankfully was linked to my bedroom, as I didn't feel like walking that much. I screamed as I looked in the mirror. A high pitched, girly scream. Oh God. I am so ashamed of myself. Plus, I look like Harry Riddle. Wait.. I looked back at the book, thinking that there was another family, with the surname Riddle, and a man called Tom. Nope. No luck. Tom Riddle. He looked exactly like the guy in the chamber of secrets. So.. That means the guy who has tried to kill me for, I dunno, my whole life is actually my father?! Wait.. I looked back at the book. Shouldn't there be a death sign near Tom's name? Like, I flipped over to the Lupins'.  Yeah.. Remus had the death sign. So why didn't Tom have it. Unless.. No. You're going out of your mind, Harry, I mentally thought to myself

No Harry, you are NOT going out of your mind!

Who is this?! Why are you invading my mind?!

Harry, it's Hermione. I think we have twin telepathy.


Great thought, by the way. If Tom doesn't have the death sign next to his name, it means that he isn't dead yet?

Thats what I thought. Maybe there is an EIGHTH horcrux.

Maybe. Then we will try to find it and bring Voldemort back to Full Power! And try kill Neville, of course, the other 'Chosen One'


Can we stop doing this now, it's kinda getting creepy.

Kay! Bye.. Thanks for the present, by the way!

Your Welcome! Bye! Happy Birthday, Harry!

Please can you not go into my mind, next time. Or I might have to start to learn Occlumency! (Is that how you spell it?!)

Yes, please do!

Bye 'Mione! Oh, and were you Head Girl?

Yeah.. Do you know who was head boy?

I was.. But I turned it down.. I just want a normal year.. Without anyone trying to kill me, namely my father..

K.. Bye Harry!!


Cya at Hogwarts!

Or maybe I can meet you at your house sometime?

I dunno..



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