Discussing Things

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Just a filler, so Draco knows that Harry and Hermione are Riddles, and trusts them. He is also a kinda 'bad guy'? Like, he actually supports The Dark Lord.



'Actually, Malfoy, Watch who you are talking to.' I said, snapping out of my daze.

'You know me?'

'Of course I do.'


'Three clues. Third Year, Fist, Pain.'


'Actually, I am a Riddle.'

'So.. Slytherin?'


'So call me Draco.'

'And I'm Head Girl!'


'Haha. You should see the look on your face! And the famous Harry Potter is my brother. We're twins, in fact..'

'So the Dark Lord has been trying to kill his own son?!'

'Yeah.. We plan to get Neville, once dad has returned to his powerful state.'

'But I thought The Dark Lord was dead?'

'No, Harry and I think that he has another Horcrux. I think it might be Harry's cat or The Dark Lords nose... Something like that.'

'Yeah.. Totally the nose.'

'Hey! It was just an idea! Plus, it could be! Oh, and can I go get Harry? He's feeling kinda lonely.'


'Let me go call him now.'


When is Hermione gunna come back? I wonder who is head boy.

Hey Harry! You can come to the Head Girl/Boy compartment! 

'Mione! Please stop doing that!

You'll get used to it, after a while.

Yeah okay.. I thought it was Head BOY/Girl? Like Boys first?

Nah.. I like it better the way I say it.

Okay.. So.. Do you know who Head Boy is?

Yeah... You wouldn't guess who it is..


Are you kidding me?! He is too much of a prat to be HB. Plus, if it was him, I'd resign!

So. Did you resign?

What? Are you joking?! Head Boy was Mal - Draco. He actually seems quite nice.

Oooooooo. Hermione loves Malfoy! Hermione loves Malfoy!

Please can you just come? Draco is looking at me weirdly.

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