Ship Drapple

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Sorry... I had to change the Title of the chapter because there is going to be another chapter called Death Eaters!


'Mal - Draco,'

'Yes, Gran - Rid - Hermione?'

'Umm. I have found a way to talk to my father. Tom.'


'Yeah.. We had a little talk. I wanted to know if Death Eaters still meet at the Malfoy Manor..'

'Yeah.. They do. Why?'

'I wanna have a little talk with them. So does Harry.'

'Okay.. I will talk with my father. My Father will hear about this!' I said, using my well known catchphrase. This time, my father Will hear about this. 'Bye!' It was the weekend so I went to the Head Boy/ Girl dormitory. I know its Girl/ Boy, and its Ladies first, but I like to think of it as 'Ladies first, but Men just before'.

Dear Father,

I was thinking if myself and two friends could come over to the Manor, around Halloween, or something, to meet the Death Eaters. Say hello to Mother for me.

With Love,

Draco x

I sent it off with my owl, and waited for the reply. 

-----THE NEXT DAY-----

I slowly trooped down to breakfast, combing my hair back the usual way I did it, is the first and second years. I liked this look, but as the years went on, I became a Death Eater and I didn't really have time. I was just eating a green apple (DRAPPLE) when my owl came swooping down to the Slytherin table, landing in front of my bowl of fruit. My father had written a reply that quickly? I carefully unhooked the letter from her leg and let her fly off, to our dorm to rest. I cautiously opened the letter.

Dear Draco,

We would love for your 'friends' to come over at around Christmas. Just be careful you don't go befriending any muggle borns or blood traitors.. The Dark Lord wouldn't be very happy with you.. Mother says hello.


I re-read the letter again, the words processing through my brain. So Pott-Riddle and Riddle would be able to come over... Maybe be chosen as joint Dark Lord/Lady.. Maybe... 

I rushed to my first class, potions with Snape and the Hufflepuffs.. I shuddered.. We'll be meeting the blood traitor... 



Today was the day we were going to the Malfoys... I still was a bit nervous, as that was the place where I got tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange. 

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