Zero's realization

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Lavender eyes lock onto Crimson irises, snow white hair draping down as a curtain all around. Shielding him from the gentle moonlight glare, cherry blossom petals falling all around. The owner of those resilient eyes, was a woman, no a beast whom he was quite familiar with. The warm sensation of her lap beneath his chilling body as he died, fading from his once human life, imprinting him, even now. "...Shizoku Hio..." he's whispered, his voice that of a child as he relived this very moment for who knows how many times...

But something was off this dream. This time it was different? He could hear her voice as she called his name, the labored and hasten breaths as she thought and seemed to grow anxious. He could feel the warmth of her touch, and the caress of her hand as she slipped her fingers into his scattered red tinged bangs. Even the sweetness known as her scent swarmed by, making the moment, not just a memory... But a moment once more.

But despite the regularity of this dream... He had not had it since Inchiru's Death, and that was partly because he lost any malice towards her the moment he saw his brothers side. He thought that had moved on... Though Zero didn't truly agree with his brothers' love and affectionate feelings towards the women. he didn't hold onto his own confliction towards her... maybe that's why he could hear her this time?

No longer tense, he began to relax in her lap, her pink lips parting as she spoke, her silken voice prickling his ears with a failure yet different ring... And for once he listened to the women's shaky words.

"Zero... I'm sorry... nothing will make up for what I'm doing, but I will promise this. I will protect your other half till the time comes." she started her words beginning to break as tears formed in her eyes, a broken, and crazed smile worn on her once doll-like face. "When that time comes, you both will re-merge, together. And you will no longer feel consumed by your hatred of me... You will awaken." The last sentence was spoken quickly, a kind of joy in her words. "At first it won't be noticeable. For you or anyone else. But heh..."

She stops her eyes trailing away as she continued to pet his head. "I know how you will come to hate purebloods, but you must know." she switched the topic. Her lavender eyes locking back onto the boys own, the colors reflecting as if they gazed deeply into a mirror. "Once, I die... the last of my bloodline will come to rule with my power, they will turn into the next pure blood of my race. The last of those two are you and your other half, Ichiru... you are my pureblood successor."


Body jolting into reality, heart racing and panic filling the now awake teen, Zero slowly calmed into reality.

Fully awake, he felt his sweaty skin and clammy palms, clenching his hands and curling his toes. Pants and raspy gasp emitted from a dry throat as the shock from what he just learned settled in. And he took moments of silence to try and register it all.

Licking his lips he took a final huff, slipping his fingers through messy fringes. "You got to be fucken kidding me!" He hollowly murmured in a half shout whisper, sitting upright trying to put all the piece's together.

Clicking his tongue he gazes up, his lashes lowering to let his lids obstruct half of his view as he begun to daze away. "Well... that explains why I'm still sane, and why that level E called me..." he sighed, leaning back in his bed.

Turning to his side, a hand rose up to twin his silver strands "If that's true. Then I have an equal standing to that Kuran bastard... ugh." His face turned sour at that thought... And how the man would response realizing Zero is now too high classed in the vampire standards to act as he wished... And if one thing was for sure, he did NOT want to take lessons from him... but maybe, it wouldn't be so bad?

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