Almost the same

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The next day had gone by rather quickly. The three of them went to class in the morning like they once done in the past. Yuki and Yori would talk. talk. And TALK... while zero just napped and listened, to the tedious noise. Everything seemed as if the two of them never left. Well except for the fact that Yuki and Yori were so obviously courting each another.

Some of the other kids had tried to approach and ask questions... But zero would scare them away, Yuki wearing her classic pout before knocking him in the head, saying the same thing... Telling him to be nicer. (Ha! Like I would ever.) he thought.

Though that seemed like a GOOD idea, he still declined it with the simple fact that he hates everyone. And if he were to be honest he probably likes the night class far more then any of the stupid hormonal girls and guys here. They were at least mature... (except Aidou. He's an idiot.) He thought snorting as he thought about it.

Yuki gazed at him with a broad smile. "Oh look! Your Default angry face is gone, whos making you laugh and smile." She started poking at his face, as he waved his hand up dismissively. "Mind your own business." He fought her off, still somewhat chuckling.

Yuki was really happy right now. not only did she get her friends back, but Zero seemed to have gotten better, happier. She didn't know why, But didn't really care either... Her friend is happy and that's all that matters...

"Hey Yuki once the class is over we have to shift the classes. Do you want to help with it like old times?" Zero asked, still with a smile, he usually does brood all day but... He just felt light-hearted today, though he was sure Yuki was unaware the two return was the cause.

He was waiting for an answer, but before she could even open her lips Yori shot up. "Yea and you can see Aido's and Zero's new relationship! Aidou always messing with Zero when the crossing because Zero won't ever just visit them or come over!" Yuki seemed to get excited. "I definitely want to see that! And Kaname's face would be priceless." Before Zero could argue, the two girls grabbed his arms and raced out, the three of them walking to the set location, the ex-hunter regretting inviting her altogether now. Thanks to Yori...

At the entrance of the moon dorm.

Kaname decided to walk with the night class today. He planned to meet cross earlier but wanted to catch up a little. He heard the screams of the girls and internally groaned. When they finally made it far enough to see the mini army, he noticed three perfects? Zero, Yori, and Yuki... he figured that they invited her for old time sake... But unlike before she looked happy. (Man what a little time can do to your mind...) he thought, knowing he himself hated reliving shouting fangirls.

Zero looked back to see Kaname in the front then quickly turned away. He didn't want either of their eyes turning red and just the fact that the could so easily really put him on edge.

Aidou saw Zero look away and decided to take his chance running up and kicking the bottom of Zero's foot making him stumble back. The silver headed hunter looked back, but he didn't glare. The expression on his face looked more... Playful?
Hanabusa smiled wide and shrugged his arms shaking his head " whoops sorry Zero. I'm SUCH a klutz."

Zero scoffed, rolling his eyes as a slight smile curved up. "Uh-huh. And what do you want this time Aidou? You shouldn't get so close to the line. I know you don't care if you get mauled but... actually, why don't I throw you in there?" He pointed behind himself with a mischievous grin able to rival the blondes own.

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