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~After school~

Warning there is going to be smut XD.

Kaname returned to his room as quick as possible, as soon as the bell had rung its final chime he sped through those narrow halls as if in a race. He knew it was not a very elegant course of action, and that he should be more poised, but he was more than just A little curious about the sudden change in Zero's "ACTIONS" you could say, and his patience was running low.

He had to admit he that loved to see the boy smile, that loving, peaceful yet timid expression imprinted and tormenting his very core. The way that boy had handled himself then, just made Kaname become overwhelmed, his excitement making it's downward path to his feet- making him pace back and forth between the floor. (Did he find out his feelings? Is he finally going to be my mate?) The thoughts attacked his mind at an alarming rate. He just couldn't settle down. His mind was so busy in thought, that he had failed to hear the said boy walk through his doors.

Zero had opened the wooden structures to see an impatient, zoned out Kuran. The vampire lord pacing in a repetitive circle. He could feel a smile build, edging up at the fact that he caused such a reaction from the pure blood. That it was his words alone that riled him to this point "Maybe this isn't a one-sided thing." He told himself, needing to constantly confirm it with himself so to hold onto the small courage he had.

Moving from his spot now, Kiryu walked pass the busy pureblood and into a chair across from him, situating himself to continue to watch the show. He waited for a little, just so he can watch the man, trying to see if he would sense his presence. He didn't. It's not usual for him to see the other act this way, and Zero was really full-heartedly enjoying the show. It was so amusing to the point that he could not suppress the laugh erupting from his throat.

Upon hearing his laugh Kaname stopped and looked straight into his eyes deep red swarming with excitement and Kiryu felt himself shudder from their intensity, his heart skipping a beat or two.

The two stared deeply into each another's hues. On most occasions, it would have made Zero anxious... But he felt calm, collected, and very exhilarated. Tilting his head to the left, Zero smiling at Kuran brightly; the man just froze. "Looks like your tense for once Kuran. I kinda like this change." Kiryu somewhat purred, his legs crossing one another.

Kaname. Realizing he was still gawking fixed his position and smiled back. Well, more of a smirk in his case. "Hm. Well, don't expect it to happen often." He hummed, swiftly walking to his lover, beautiful lilac followed his every movement. Reaching his destination, his smile grew as did the young teens as he leaned over the chair his lover sat, his arm set on the back of it. "Sooo~ What is it you wanted to talk about?" The ancient blood hummed soothingly to Kiryu.

The boy tilted his head again in a teasing manner as he stared at him, feigning innocents. "Oh? Did I have something?" Kaname laughed as he leaned in closer to the other, the lips just inches apart. "Yes. Yes, you did. You keep playing coy, and I might have to force it out of you." He playfully growled. The hunter seemed to become amused by this and put his hand against the slightly taller male's chest, pushing him back as he stood in front of him, both standing straight now and away from the couch.

Looking narrowed garnet to thin tan lips and up again, Zero wrapped his arms around the owner's neck, pressing his body flushed against Kaname's. "Mmhm. You love me right, Kaname?" He asked, eyes still roaming lips to eyes. The man froze and looked into Zero's eyes with curiosity. Then he kissed the boy softly, seeing those round eyes close from the brief touch, silver lashes fluttering back open as Kaname pulled away to slightly hovering once more. "If I didn't, do you really think I would leave a half made marriage mark on your neck?" Zero gasped and grabbed the mark, petting it with his thumb. "That's why it's different!?" The shocked question came.

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