21. New Boundaries

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Everyone grinding up on each other, jumping to the beat, lights flashing bright around the hidden club, smell of liquor, marijuana, and sweat, but it doesn't bother me because I'm part of the reason why it smells like that.

I seen Lydia and Stiles finally walk in I looked around and spotted Scott, Kira, and Malia, we've been teaching her control she's been making semi progress but she's still edgy.

I looked up and saw the owners watching over the club, I pulled out one smoke grenade and let it out I partied over to a different spot and let off another smoke grenade, I set of a few more until the whole club was smoked up I heard coughs of people but the party still went on.

I felt someone grab both my wrist from behind, I raised my arms up and turned to face him I kneed him in his stomach twice, he held onto is stomach, I banged his head against the wall knocking him out, I saw two more coming after me.

I took a deep breath. Strength, flexibility, agility. Strength, flexibility, agility.

I slid in between ones leg, with my elbow I hit three pressure points on each leg making him drop to the ground.

The other one was big, he has lots of strength but less agility and flexibility, he swung a punch at me I grabbed his arm and snaked my legs in between his, I pushed him forward making him trip and land on the ground, the arm I was hold I twisted it behind his back and made it touch the shoulder blade of his other arm, and pulled it up far enough to make his shoulder bone pop out.

An arm wrapped around my neck and squeezed making me choke, I have a limited amount of time until my brain is going to need more oxygen I reached my hand up until I got a grasp of his hair I pulled him over my body causing him to flip over me and let go of my neck, while he was on the ground I sat over him and banged his head in the ground until he was unconscious, I gave medium force so it shouldn't give him an permanent damage but with the brain you never know.

I caught up with the rest and we began running through the halls, gas started to pour out of the vents, "wolfsbane" Scott told us, "hold your breath" I yelled, the smoke made it hard for me to see, all I could see is fog but I felt someone's hand.

I was hit with something hard that sent a shocking feeling throughout my body, like it was stabbing my veins, it made my muscles jerk around and made it even harder to see until finally everything went dark, that's what it feels like being electrocuted.

Wait, I forgot to explain how I got here or where I am or what I'm doing here, or who I'm fighting, I didn't even say when I got here.

We all met up at the animal clinic where Deaton was waiting for us "how long has it been since you heard from Derek" Stiles asked us "weeks, and when I went to his loft these covered the floor" Scott told us he opened placed a down a brass bullet casting with a skull on it kind of like the day of the dead skulls "that's the Calaveras mark" deaton told us "who are they" Stiles asked "a family of hunters in Mexico" Deaton answered "do you think they have Derek" Lydia asked Scott slid over the bullet casting to her "we need you to find out" he said Lydia held the casting in her hands and worked her banshee magic.

She was just passing them, through her fingers while we sat in completed silence so she could focus, her eyes widen and she dropped the casting "do they have Derek, did they kill him" Scott asked "I'm not sure if he's dead" she said "that's good news right" Stiles said "I'm not sure if he's alive either" Lydia finished, calm down and control, calm down and control.

Before Chris Argent and Isaac Lahey went to France, Argent taught me how to channel my emotions he also taught me how to fight in many different styles, snake is my favorite but I also like to add stuff in with it.

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