49. Fault

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I ran back into the hospital, I seen people from Eichen house pulling Lydia out on a gurney, "MS. MARTIN" I yelled "no, no, not Eichen, there is a whole lot that you don't know about and its worst, she can't go there it's worst" I told her "she'll be safe, where you careless children won't be able to stick your hands in her neck" she yelled at me.

Theo did this, he did all of this, he's tearing us apart.

I was about to pick up Stiles and Scott so we can find and kill Theo, but I seen his car outside Scott's house.

I ran inside to see Theo coming out, "you asshole, I trusted you" I yelled at him, I raised my hand and brought it across his face, several times, "I liked you and you killed her, and you're killing Stilinski it's all your fault" I yelled "it wasn't supposed to be this way" Theo told me "you were supposed to be the one dead, you bitch" I yelled, pushing, smacking, and kicking him uncontrollably like a child throwing a tantrum .

Theo grabbed my arms and pinned me against the car, "I am not the bad guy, let me explain, I need you- I need you to listen" he told me.

He pulled me to his car, opened the door, and pushed me in.

"Theo I trusted you, I confided into you, I liked you Theo, you were the only person who seemed real at this point" I told him "I know just let me explain" he asked, "no, you don't get to tell me why you had a secret agenda, you don't get to bring me through the dirt" I yelled "Aubrey, I really do care about you" he told me.

I scoffed at his comment "now you're just lying like the rest of them".

"I do Aubrey truthfully" he promised.

"No you don't Theo" I yelled "if you even respected me, you wouldn't let me get close to you, after everything I told you, you wouldn't let me like you the way I do".

"Aubrey I needed a pack" he yelled. "It is all about power to you, you just think you can bulldoze through everyone to get what you want" I yelled back.

"I'm not, Aubrey, everything I told you was the truth" he said, "yeah except for your plans to kill my friends, what did you do to Lydia" I asked "it was an accident, I didn't to see her memory enough to find out Parrish was a hellhound, and when I pulled my claws out something went wrong, it was an accident, I wasn't supposed to hurt her because I need her help" he told me.

"What happened to sheriff Stilinski" I asked, "Noah Patrick, he's another chimera, bounded with a berserker, I sent him to poison Stilinski enough to get him in the hospital but not to kill him, just to distract Stiles" Theo told me "so that you can kill Scott" I filled in.

"We need to find Noah if we want sheriff to live" he said, "I'll find him with Scott" I said "you have to help me" he commanded "why should I help you" I asked "because I have a lead, because we need to save sheriff, because we're alike" he listed.

"We are nothing alike" I hissed "we're both dread Doctor experiments, we want to find out more, nothing supernatural surprises us, we just do sometimes without thinking" he listed "except I don't hurt people" I said "yet, you come from a long line of destruction, and you don't want that bad side to leave, you're attached to the unknown" he corrected.

"What's your lead" I changed the subject. "Hayden" he told me my face lit up to what he said "Theo, she's dead, the people you help, killed her" I snapped, "the people I helped have a supplement that brought her back to life" he told me.

"How does that thing work" I asked "it doesn't matter we have to get to her, she's mixed with werejaguar, which means her and the berserker are connected, we find her, she finds him, we save Stilinski" he explained.

The ride was silent for a long time.

"What made you like this, why are you so driven by power" I asked "I want to be part of something, just like you" he looked at me and smiled, I didn't smile back, "we save Stilinski, and you run your ass out of town" I demanded, "we still have more saving to do" he told me, "you're not Scott, you can't save anyone" I yelled "neither can he, at least I can save a young girl's life" he yelled back, I slouched in the seat.

"What do the dread doctors want with me" I asked "they're trying to find a way to convert supernatural back to human, they already know how to make a human supernatural, and since they have parent permission it's easier to get to you" he explained.

"My parents told me it was a bad spirit attached to me" I told him, again confiding to him about my personal life, but I can't keep it stored in and I can't tell anyone else about it because they have problems that are way bigger than me.

"That may be why they can't take your power, they're too scientific instead of spiritual" he said.

We picked up Hayden and went to the warehouse.

She asked countless questions on her ability and how she was supposed to find him and what her job was.

Theo just had all the answers.

Hayden stopped and put her hand over her mouth, her face flushed to a pale color she looked teary, I looked over to what she was looking at

I seen a boy with brown curly hair and tan skin on the ground choking up silver, "damn, we could've really used him" Theo told me, "well then save him" I yelled at Theo, "Aubrey I can't" he told me "you saved Hayden, you can save him, you told her she was connected to him so save him" I yelled, "Aubrey it doesn't work that way, I can't just clap my hands and everyone's back to life" he told me.

"Sometimes people die" I heard Theo, "you didn't have to drag me all the way here to learn that lesson, I already know" I mumbled and started walking away.

"I'm still giving you a ride" he told me, "I'll walk" I said.

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