48. Fragile

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I opened the McCall door, I slowly walked up the steps, Scott's door was closed, I heard a loud bang inside his room, I barged in to see no one in Scott's room, I looked around and seen him staring at me from the bath room.

There was a large open wound on his chest, tissue and drying blood, it was finger deep.

I ran over to Scott and wrapped my arms around him trying not to touch his nasty scratch, made by Theo, I felt him wince a little which made me let go as fast as I could "I'm so glad you're not dead" my voice cracked, as tears started to rush to my eyes and my face grew hot.

"Aubrey I'm fine" he told me "you may need to stitch that, but first clean in real good, and then put a fresh gauze on it" I told him "you know how to do that" he asked "yeah" I said.

Scott sat down I got some rubbing alcohol, "lean back just a little" I asked, he listened to me, I poured the alcohol directly on the wound, it immediately began to sizzle and bubble, I pat the bubbles down with a gauze.

His sister and I walked over to him and flipped him over to his back,
We took his blood stain shirt, revealing the hole it left in his abdomen.

"What's the fastest route to the hospital" I asked "it's going to heal" he mumbled, not looking at me "it doesn't look good" Cora said "clean out the wound, patch it up till it- heals"

I finished threading the wound, it was closed not showing all inside the cut anymore, but still showing the stretched and torn skin, Scott placed a sticking gauze pad on top on the stitches.

"Where'd you learn to do that" he asked "I don't remember it's just something I'm used to doing" I told him.

"Scott, without you or anyone I'm lost. I have no hope what so ever. I need this pack. Stiles didn't mean to kill Donovan I saw it, something was just lost in him, Donovan wasn't corrupted, he wasn't a victim, the dread doctors gave him power and he used it to his advantage" I told Scott.

"It's just different" Scott said, "how, explain to me how different it is from when I killed Jennifer, or the chemist" I asked "those people were the enemy" he told me "so was Donovan" I told him "he was a kid" Scott shouted at me. "Alright then" I paused "tell me you wouldn't get your hands bloody, if it was your mom" I asked him.

Scott paused. He didn't say or do anything he was just in thought, he knows I'm right and he's at least trying to put himself in Stiles shoes.

I was going to give him a hug but I didn't want to hurt him again.

I pressed my lips on his cheek, then walked out of his room.

I was walking down the stairs "Aubrey wait" I heard him. His loud foot steps were running over to where I was at then I heard just a loud thump.

I walked back up the steps to see Scott collapsed on his stomach, on the hallway floor.

I ran over and knelt down next to him. First I flipped him over on his back and looked at his wound, it was turning a bluish-purple, I think I did the stitches too tight, I ran into the bathroom and grabbed a pair of scissors, I ran back to him and started cutting the threads out.

The wound was molded and tight, I grabbed my phone, Liam put him in the predicament, Hayden is dead, Mason's probably with Liam, Stiles is angry at him, I called Lydia.

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