56. La Bete

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A/N - hey guys, omg I can't believe teen wolf is really over my heart is burning, I'm going to miss it so much and making this story was really fun and I got creative, I hope you guys enjoy the rest. ❤️❤️

I was sitting at the bleachers, I seen the three TV station vans pulling up to the game near the devenport transportation bus.

Why don't we just tell the public about our findings then maybe we won't have to have plans, I seen Scott waving me to come over towards him and the others, I picked up my bag and ran over to them.

"Okay, Corey and Mason are going to the devenford bus to look for any size ten shoes maybe with blood, Aubrey, look through the beacon hills lockers, quickly and Malia you take out the transmitters on the vans, the rest look for size ten sneakers" Scott ordered.

"Wait, you're going to need this" I opened my bag and handed them little blue glow stick type light, "the blue light will show you if there was anything blood traces left on their shoe even if they washed it off" I explained, "where'd you get these" Mason asked, "I borrowed them from an CSI academy" I said.

"What if the plan fails and the beasts does show up, Scott isn't healing" malia doubted "I healed when we got Lydia, the group being together is what did it" Scott said, I slightly smiled, "yeah, the beast doesn't have a Teen Wolf Pack" Liam said.

His words changed the feeling inside me, Teen Wolf Pack, that's who we are, the only way we've made it through things is because we're together, these are the people I want to spend my entire life with.

"The beast might not even be here, we have 0-1 chances that the beast goes to our school, and what if the beast has multiple pairs of shoes" I blurted, "then we'll keep looking" Scott told me.

I ran into the locker room and began opening lockers and searching for shoes, I placed the blue light on the soles of there shoes, nothing.

Second locker, nothing, third, nothing, forth, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.


I seen highlighted spots on the bottom of the shoe, "what the hell are you doing" I heard a voice, I turned to see Jonathan, "why is there blood on your shoe" I asked "none of your got damn business, now coach started the game so hurry your skinny ass up" he told me, "tell me why there's blood on your shoe" I yelled this time.

He grabbed me by my arms and slammed me against the locker, "get out of my damn business" he yelled "tell me or you will hate what happens next" I said, "no" he told me.

I spit at him aiming for his eye, he let one of my arms go to wipe his face I wiggled out of his grasp and began running down the halls.

"Scott" I yelled, I felt his arm wrap around me and his hand go over my mouth, "calm down" he whispered, "me and my cousin Pedro found a dead body in the woods, I didn't report it cause I got scared" he told me, then let my face go.

"Why are you looking" he asked, "I'm looking for the person that killed the body you found in the woods" I told him, "coach said hustle" Jonathan said "he didn't forfeit" I asked, "he said he never did and he never will" Jonathan repeated, "I'll be there soon" I said then walked back to the locker room.


I walked out the locker room and seen them playing, it's good though, I think Malia took down all the tv station vans.

I ran towards the bench and looked at the 1-5 score then back at the field, I seen Kira knocking through players like bowling pins, Scott and Liam stood to the side talking, I seen a devenfort player knock her down.

Kira jumped back up and whacked his helmet off with her stick revealing Brett's face, "HEY HOT HEAD, LET'S GO, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" coach yelled Kira walked off the field angry mumbling something in Japanese.

"Barbie doll, you're in" coach yelled, "no I'm not" I told him, "what why" he asked "because you said you'd forfeit" I yelled "get your skinny ass in the game" he yelled, I ran over to Liam, "just pass the ball to me" Liam said, "you better win this" I told him.

Every time the ball touched my net, I flung it over to Liam, he'd run out and score, the entire team got comfortable with just passing to Liam.

I looked back at the score to see 5-5
And the time drop from one second to all zeros, I looked at the news station vans and seen one working, I heard a loud roar from behind the vans.

Liam's eyes started to glow and he began running, I heard Stiles yelling for him to wait.

As the beast jumped over the van, Liam  leaped up towards it. I could hear everyone storming off the bleachers, some went towards the school, others went elsewhere

My mind began racing, um okay, what do I do, how do I do it, think Aubrey.

I ran towards my car and began grabbing guns.

I ran into the school through a back entrance, I seen Malia grab a boy and pin him to a wall, I pulled her off of him, "where's Stiles" she asked me, "we'll find him" I told her, Malia pulled out her phone, "Braedan I need your help, bring your shotguns" Malia told her.

"Tell her to meet us near the front of the school" I told Malia, she nodded and repeated what I said to Braedan.

"Everyone hide in a room and stay as quiet as possible" I yelled, "why didn't they just go home" I asked rhetorically, "doesn't matter let's go find the rest" Malia said.

We began running down the halls looking for any signs of the beast, I could hear his roars and grunts, "my mom came, she fought me, I didn't have time to take out all the vans" Malia said, "it's not your fault" I told her, "if people die, that's on me, I had one job to do" Malia whined, "if people die, that's on all of us, we should've sent someone with you, but we didn't" I told her.

We made it closer to the front of the school, when I heard a roar and a crashing sound coming from the library.

I ran into the library, the beast was had his claws up about to attack Liam, I pulled out both of my desert eagles and began firing at it, it looked over at me.

It's piercing blue eyes, its teeth all showing as it roars at me, I could see it's solid shape under all the smoke surrounding it, I kept shooting at it until it started running towards me, I grabbed one of the bookshelves and pushed it over onto the beast, pinning it down.

It threw the bookshelf off itself without hesitation and leaped towards me, most of me moved out of the way allowing it to only cut through my leg.

Braedan and Malia came through the library door, Braedan was shooting at hit with her shotgun, making the beast jerk backwards and every time it tried to get up another shot pushed it back, until it finally turned around and jumped through the window.

Liam came running towards me, his jersey was ripped open, and covered in blood but I didn't see any wounds on him.

He pulled me up, Scott was covered in blood, several open wounds, he must've been fighting that thing since it first came, "you didn't really thing you had a chance with that thing did you" Braedan asked, "no but I've got it's scent" Scott told us.

He began running out the library, Liam and I followed after him. For someone so hurt he moved quickly.

His senses lead us to the parking lot, we stopped at a black car, Scott pulled the trunk up, revealing a pair of shoes, he looked at the bottom, the blood still covered the heels of the shoe.

"Scott" I heard a voice, Scott closed the truck to see Mason, "what are you doing with my car" Mason asked, I gasped.

La Bete.

Corey came out of nowhere grabbed Mason then went invisible again.

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