8. Lunar Eclipse

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Scott was ready to go back with Deucalion again, "we need Scott to stay with he can't go back" Allison was trying to convince Deaton to talk to Scott so he wouldn't go back "you can take a deer to the water but you can't make him drink it" I said "I wouldn't use that term, more of know the enemy to defeat the enemy" Deaton corrected me.

Lydia walked up to me, "Ethan's here, Aiden and Kali are going to Derek's now to kill him, and I need your help" Lydia asked "you know about six werewolves that we associate with, why do you need me" I asked "because I can't be the only human there, and I'm not doing this alone" she said I gave in and went.

We were going up the stairs to Derek's "the real reason I wanted you to come is because I know you wouldn't want to see Derek dead" she told me "me and Derek aren't really together" I told her "yeah but if he died knowing you could've helped what would you do" she asked "here it is" Ethan said he opened the door.

"Kali know we'll be powerless on the full moon, which is why she's trying to take you out now" Ethan explained "we're not staying to get slayed by an alpha with a foot fetish, especially since you're not an alpha any more" Peter said "why aren't you an alpha" I asked "I gave up my power to save Cora" he answered without looking me in the eyes.

"Risking you're life for something like that is stupid" Cora told Derek "like saving you" I mumbled lightly under my breath, causing everyone to take a pause, "how do you guys even know that I will die" Derek asked breaking silence "I can feel it" Lydia said, "I have place in Mexico, nobody's there but one maid" I suggested for them.

We were downstairs Cora and Derek got inside their car, I put the address in the GPS "are you sure we're allowed to be there" Cora asked "yeah, there's a key in the bushes, if someone ask just say your old friends of Kaitlin, but I doubt you'll be spotted" I said "thank you Aubrey" Derek said "drive safe" I told him.

They took off, I walked up stairs, when I came to Derek's loft I saw the door was open, I looked in to see the twins on the floor unconscious, Jennifer was in there she had glass in the air around her that she was holding up with her powers, she sent the glass shards flying, the all penetrated Kali's body making her drop dead. She started to walk towards Lydia "Jennifer" I called she turned around "don't worry Aubrey, I'm not gonna take her from you, I just want her to scream" Jennifer said, she shape shifted into her darach form, making Lydia let out a long hard scream which was shattering to my ears.

I sat in the corner with Lydia comforting her after her fearful sight of darach, Derek and Cora came running inside, Jennifer was still here "Derek we need to talk" she said "Cora came running to Lydia and I "what'd you do" Derek asked "I didn't have to do anything, but listen, the lunar eclipse is coming soon, which means we only have fifteen minutes to get Deucalion powerless, we need a plan" Jennifer suggested.

"Let's go catch up to them" Cora said, "wait" Lydia said she looked over at the twins, they were breathing short and slow breaths "we need to get them to Deaton" I said.

We were driving to the animal clinic, there was a heavy wind storm building up "that's darach" Cora pointed out.

We arrived at the animal clinic and placed them on metal tables "Cora go find your brother, the lunar eclipse is in ten minutes" I said "I'm gonna need Cora, you need to take some pain from them, it may leave you weak" Deaton said "but she has to go help" I said "Aubrey how about you go" he suggested "what am I supposed to do grow fangs and unwanted hair" I asked "it's a lunar eclipse I wouldn't expect it" he told me, I dry chuckled a bit.

He handed me a desert eagle, "what the hell" I asked "end it Aubrey, you're capable" he told me.

I shook my head and kept driving, the lunar eclipse was almost ending, I stopped at this barn type of thing, it had a spiral on the door, it was the same I saw on coaches window, when Cora and Aiden were fighting.

I ran inside Jennifer was standing over Deucalion beating his face in, I saw a flash run through Derek's eyes, and they lit up blue, the lunar eclipse was over, Jennifer ran away from them and threw mountain ash around herself.

It's not too late. Do it. you won't have to feel pain anymore. You can be at peace. Shoot yourself.

I gripped the gun with both hands, pointed the desert eagle at her, I shut my eyes tightly,  I felt my body jerk when I pulled my finger back on the tigger.

I heard a loud pop and opened my eyes, darach was on the ground, there was a crater in her head spilling copious amounts of blood everywhere, I dropped the gun.

I didn't think I could do it.

If someone kills a murderer, the amount of murders in the world stays the same.

I took someone's life, I look a living breathing person off the world as if it was my job. This isn't a joke, I'm going to burn in hell just because I had a little issue with her, I'm going to burn in hell for eternity.

I looked up at everyone Deucalion rushed to her body and sunk his claws into her neck trying to take her power, Scott's jaw was dropped and he would let his eyes off of Jennifer, Derek stared deep at me, "what did I do" I cried.

Derek ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me "oh god, I killed her" I weeped into his chest "shhh it's okay" Derek comforted me.

I returned home there were cops outside of the house, I opened the door, , my parents were at the house "where were you" my mom asked "killing evil wizards" I mumbled "Aubrey you know I had that huge charity event in Greece, are you doing this to us for attention, or something else" my dad asked "and it goes back to you, if I wanted attention, I'd do what you do and make a fool out of myself purposely" I rolled my eyes and went into my room.

Olga ran to me and gave me a hug "I did something bad" I cried "what's wrong, what happened" she asked I shook my head and squeezed her tight knowing I couldn't say a word.

After that it was normal, well not normal, but my kind of normal, it ended up on the news, Aubrey goes awol, now the media has something to talk about, friends, well, we're getting closer, they're my real friends I've noticed that. And everything is dialing down, every thing is normal.

"Hey Stiles" I called he turned to see me, "here, I don't like big cars, but my parent don't know that" I said giving him a pair of keys "I can't give up my jeep" he told me "well then sell it, and get your jeep fixed" I told him.

I gave Scott the keys to a new motorcycle which lightened up his face "why are you doing this" he asked "because you are my friends" I smiled. "How about let's go to the feild so I can crush you guys" I said "coming from the girl who held her stick backwards" Scott said "it was one time" I said, as we walked down the hall, I passed Ethan and Danny, and waved at them.


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