C1 (Part 2) - News

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Cecelia POV

"Here" Ray said as he plopped down a newspaper in front me.

I was sitting in the Library during my last free period researching my topic for my history report. I was supposed to be working with Chresanto but of course he wasn't here on time.

"Oh wow Ray you actually read?" I gasped and he just rolled his eyes and shook his head "Who are you and what have you done with my best friend Rayan?!" I said semi-yelling

He just kept his straight face and started growling at me.

"Alright, Alright simmer down...I was just playing"

He sighed "Read the front page"

It read '10 Bodies found drained of blood scattered across Tree Hill'

"Okay? We have been hearing this news for the past month Ray" I said pushing the paper back to him.

"It's Jacob." He said

"How are you so sure? Jacob doesn't want to be found" I said sadly

"These were all Vampires who were drained of blood" he said

"So..." I started to trail off.

"So, it's Jacob because as much as he isn't in his right mind right now he still hates vampires...and he still will kill them"

"Wait, Jacob drinks Vampire blood?"

"He likes to think of himself as a Vampire – Vampire Hunter. But he does it to the Vampires who are reckless and just kill for fun...pretty much the definition of him right now." He said leaning back in his chair that sat across from me

"Why are you acting he is so much different now?" I asked curiously

"Because Jacob is more of dick now than he was before when you first met him."

"And this changed just because he drank my blood?"

"You have to think of it as being on a healthy diet for a very long time and then one day you cheat and eat something unhealthy. After you eat the meal you feel bad about breaking your diet but you want more and more of it." He said

I nodded and closed my book that I was reading. "You know..." I began "I only forced him to drink it because I didn't wan to lose him...I didn't want him to turn into monster..."

"You just did what everyone else wanted him to do and Ce no matter what vampires do to do the right thing were still monsters. Were not meant to be good we feed off of humans for our source of food...that's not being a monster?"

"Not every vampire is like that though...You aren't...Jacob wasn't" I said sadly

"Every vampire has been thorough human blood once in their life. I have but it would be bad for me to completely change my diet to Human blood because the ill turn into a raging monster."

"Good thing your not planning on changing your diet." I said smiling a bit.

"Not planning on it. I'm finally gaining better control of the blood lust" he said proudly

I laughed "Good for you Ray. Now stop feeding on Bambi and his friends please?" I said jokingly as I began to pack up my tings and got up

"Nah, Bambi is delicious, " he laughed

I then felt two hands wrap around my waist and kiss on my cheek "Sorry, I'm late again babe" he said

"Get off Chresanto" I said sternly

"No..." he said squeezing my waist tighter

"Chres.." I said

"No." he squeezed it tighter and I started to feel like I couldn't breathe.

"She said get off, Wolf" I heard Rayan growling from across from me

Chresanto let go but I heard growling coming from him. I looked up at him and saw that his pupils were turning into slits and his iris started to glow a brighter gold than they were before.

"Chres?" I said trying to gain his attention and he immediately stopped growling and looked at me his eyes began to shift back to his regular eyes.

"Sorry" he mumbled. "I'll met you at your house to do this thing that we were suppose to do." He said and walked off eyeing Rayan.

"I guess..." I mumbled then turned to Rayan "Thanks, but he would of let go you know..."

"You couldn't breathe Cecelia" he said sternly "Anymore pressure and he could have killed you. You underestimate how strong us supernatural creatures are" He said and walked off leaving me alone in the Library.

I sighed and grabbed the remainder of my belongings off the table when I spotted the newspaper that Ray left. I'm pretty sure it was on purpose but I took with me and exited out the Library and headed home.

I should keep this just in case...

Welcome to Senior Year Cecelia.


𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽 - 𝓥𝓸𝓽𝓮 - 𝓕𝓪𝓷


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