C10 (Part 2) - Plans Pt 2

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Cecelia's House on the top

Cecelia's POV 

"I can't believe we have to work with the enemy" Jacob said while walking around my room waiting for Chres to arrive. Ray and Ally were here already sitting on my bed ignoring the complain Jacob.

 Ray and Ally were here already sitting on my bed ignoring the complain Jacob

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Cecelia's Bedroom

I rolled my eyes "Is there any spell you have to shut him up?" I asked Ally clearly annoyed.

"There is but it lasts for the rest of eternity." She said

"That's fine" I smirked and looked at Jacob he gave me 'the finger' then the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" I said and went downstairs. I opened the door and it revealed Chres "Late" I said to him. "Sorry had to run some of my anger off."

Cecelia's Front Door and Staircase area

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Cecelia's Front Door and Staircase area.

"Wait, you turned?" i asked him

"Yeah why you sound so surprised." he smirked

"I never seen you in your wolf form" i laughed 

"Well, were going to have to change that."

"Anyways care to tell me why your angry?" I asked

"I'm pretty sure its because he has to work with the enemy." Jacob said walking down the stairs.

"That's the first thing that I ever heard come out your mouth that I agree with" Chres said to him

"Alright...well its going to happen so let's go back upstairs.." I said and began shooing Jacob up the stairs.

When we all reached the room I decided to tell them what Elijah said. "So...Elijah threatened me."

"What? How?" Chres said growling

"Chill." I said "He threatened all of us. Basically he said not to do exactly what we all gathered to do."

"Okay, so what is he like one step ahead?" Ally said

"He's over a thousand years old. I'm pretty sure people plotting against him is a normal thing...so yes he will be one step ahead of us." Ray said

"Maybe, this time we will be two steps ahead of him." I smiled "Jacob did you bring the book?"

He nodded "Here's your dusty book" he said bring it over to me.

"What's that? Chres asked

"Basically it's our 'How-To' book on how to kill a homicidal hybrid" I smirked and opened it to the page we needed. Ray came over and looked at the page I opened to. "A Vampire and a Werewolf bite plus a Witches hex?" he read over what we needed.

"A Werewolf bite cant kill the hybrid." Jacob said rolling his eyes "It's not that lethal"

"Neither is a Vampire bite." Chres said back at Jacob.

"No there's a Hex here." Ray said in annoyed tone from their bickering. "Babe come read this." He said moving out the way so Ally could read over the hex.

"It's a hex that will curse you're bites to be very lethal towards the hybrid. Of course your bites aren't deadly but with the hex they will become deadly bu-"

"Wait. You have to spell us?" Jacob asked

"Yes bu-"

"No! What if It back fires? I mean no offense but your no 'Grade A' witch" he said

She scowled at him "Offense taken." She said and he smirked "Anyways...what I was going to say until your rude ass kept interrupting me was that its Dark Magic...I can do this, I'm sorry."

"What your scared?" Jacob said

"Jacob leave her alone." I told him and he raised his hands in defense.

"I'm just saying. If she is a powerful witch she can do her little dark magic spell and be able to not give in to the evil side." He shrugged.

"There's no control over that. One hex leads to many and many more hexes leads to me being evil and I cant do that. If I do you will have another person to take down because I wont have any control."

"I say...let's take that chance. We can take down your little witchy self with our eyes closed." Jacob smirked then in a instant Ray vamp sped over to him and snapped his neck which knocked him out.

We all stared at him "He was pissing me off." Ray shrugged.


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My Vampire Slayer - Part 2 | Princeton/Jacob Perez Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now