C4 - (Part 2) - Mr. Nice Guy

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Jacob POV (Chresanto's House at the top)

I ran out the house and heading straight to the forest towards Chresanto's home deep in the woods. Werewolves need to stay hidden for when they lose control on a full moon that's why they live so far out and hidden.

I approached a opening in the woods which sat a medium size home that was surrounded by trees. In anger I picked up a rock and threw it through the window.

"Chresanto get your ass out here!" I said walking back in forth in front the home.

A few seconds later the front door opened and the same exact rock was thrown back at me but with my now better vampire reflexes I caught it.

"What is your probably, Jacob!?" he screamed

"MY PROBLEM?!" I screamed back at him and dropped the rock. "YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT'S MY PROBLEM!"

He looked at me then folded his arm across his chest "You mean the fact that I tested out the real potential to your 'Mating Bite'?" he said using quotation marks around 'Mating Bite' "You left her what's the big deal?"

"She's mine Chresanto." I growled.

"If she is...why did you leave?"

"Don't worry about that all that matters is that you had no right to put your lips on her!"

"If she didn't have that mating bite she would of definitely kissed me and you know it. That was the only reason for you giving it to her" he smirked and that pissed me off. I charged at him as grew angrier and turned into his wolf form.

Now that stood in front of me stood a big golden wolf. "Your sure about this?" I said to him

He growled and started charging towards me. I guess he was sure...I picked up speed and ran towards him almost grabbing him but I was pushed out the way with force. I landed backwards on the ground crashing against the dirt road beneath me.

"What the fuck?!" I said while sitting up straight on the ground. Then I realized it was Ray who pushed me.

"What are you doing here?!" I shouted towards him.

"Ce, told me what happened Jacob. You could of hurt her tonight, aren't you aware of that?!" he shouted back to me.

I kept quiet as I got off of the ground I was brushing myself off when I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Everyone else heard it as well because Chresanto went to hide himself while Ray was looking in the same direction as I was.

Finally, the person came into view. It was guy that looked about 18 "Oh, this isn't my house sorry I got lost." The guy said as he looked at Ray and I.

"You live in the woods?" I asked

He looked at me questioningly "Don't you?" he was referring to the house next to us.

I looked at it then back to the guy, "Nah, its his." I pointed to Ray who was ready to defend himself but I continued to talk. "So are you new here? I haven't seen you around her at all..." I said.

"Oh, yeah well I Just moved back recently...My family moves around a lot but we always somehow find a way back here..." he said

"Hm." I hummed. "So do you attend the high school here?"

"I will be attending, yes. Do you two attend as well?"

he asked

We both nodded our heads. "Well, that's good to know. Nice meeting you..." He said sticking out his hand for us to shake.

I eyed it but didn't shake it. "Jacob."

"And I'm Rayan...but you can call me Ray" he said and shook it.

"Elijah" the boy smiled "Well, see you guys at school then." He then walked off in another direction of the woods.

"Why are you so rude?" Ray asked me

"I don't trust him." I said to him

"Yeah, I don't either...you think he's human?"

"Hell no. No human has ever left this town and have kept coming back to live. The only way Humans leave Tree Hill is if their dead...He's definitely supernatural." I replied.

"We just got to find out what..." - Jacob


Who saw the #OvernightBag  video? Omg...

Sorry, I've been busy i haven't been able to make chapter or anything but when June finishes hopefully I'll be back with the regular updates :) 

Updates: Monday Night and either Friday or Saturday.







My Vampire Slayer - Part 2 | Princeton/Jacob Perez Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now