C6 (Part 2) - The New Guys

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Cecelia's POV

I walked through the crowd standing outside the school and got to the door and entered. I was then greeted with a crowded hallway that I pushed through again to reach my locker.

On the way to my locker I passed the front office and saw a couple of students I didn't recognize in there. Oh my god...this is them. I stood outside and watched through the glass windows like a creep as they were greeted by the Lady at the front desk.

"Whatcha looking at?" someone whispered behind me and I jumped.

"Ow, Ce! My nose..." I turned and saw Ally holding her nose.

"I'm sorry I didn't know who you were you scared me.."

"Its ok...What were you looking at?" she asked as she continued to rub her nose

"The new students...I have a hunch that I think it's the...Hybrid" I whispered the ending.

Her eyes went big and she pulled my arm and dragged me away from the office.

"You can't say those things being that close to them! I'm pretty sure that have 100% perfect hearing." She whispered

"Who has 100% perfect hearing and why are we whispering.." I turned my head and saw Ray behind us.

"Really?" I said to him and he smiled

"What's wrong with you two? You looks like you have seen a ghost."

"Do you remember how I was telling you about the Hybrid?" he nodded "Well we think it's the new kid." She said and pointed towards the office door as they walked out.

"Oh, Elijah." He said, "Jake and I had a suspicion something was off with him." He turned to us "You think he's the Hybrid?"

"Well, I'm assuming from the little information I got from Jake that he is in fact the Hybrid...I mean he fits the description an-"

"Ce, let's not talk about this right now" Ally said and I then realized they were getting closer.

"Ray" he greeted


"And who are these beautiful ladies?" Elijah asked. If he was the Hybrid...why did he have to be cute? I mean honestly when I heard of this creature I was expecting disgusting looking creature with like a tail or wings and sharp pointed fangs basically nothing human looking.

"This is my Girlfriend Allison and our best friend Cecelia."

Ally waved "You can call me Ally"

"yeah, and you can call me Ce I said and shook his hand." I smiled

"Nice to meet you two..."

"Do you need any help getting around? I'm sure Ce would love to help you." Ally snickered from behind me

he chuckled "No, I'm sure we will find our way thanks for the offer though." He nodded his head to signal his friends to start walking. "I hope to see you around bye guys" he smiled at me and left

I turned towards Ally after he left and lunged towards her. "Why would you say that?!" I screamed lowly in a joking way.

She laughed "I thought It would be funny and it was."

I rolled my eyes. "So you think he's any type of threat ray?" I asked

"Now? No. So I wouldn't want to start anything with him. Let's just leave him be till he makes the first move then we will act. Till then we leave him alone...you guys understand?"

"Yeah." We both said and we all started walking to our first class.

"So you got driven to school this morning by Jacob....how was that?"

"I was forced. I didn't want too."

"You know you wanted too.." she nudged my shoulder

Shut up...


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