No Going Back

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Morgan and Andy found us an hour later, their lips suspiciously swollen and clothes disheveled along with their hair. I atleast had the curtesty not to say anything about it, but Ashley didn't hold back. He gave the two hell as we walked back towards the bench where Samm and Jinxx were sitting at.

"We don't need another pregnant girl on our hands." Ashley snickered as we stopped in front of the couple.

Samm's eyes were the size of saucers as she peered up at Morgan, "You're pregnant?"

"What? No! Ashley is just being an ass." She scowled, glaring a the smiling man beside me. She didn't see to find any amusement in the situation.

Andy was unusually quiet and I had the feeling that Ashley's little joke got him thinking. Morgan didn't seem to notice his silence and continued ahead with Samm, although she stopped and waited for me to catch up. With a glance at the taller man and his band mates, I rushed forward and walked besides the two blondes.

"Did you look at Andy?" Morgan asked me after a moment of silence, her brown eyes staring ahead.

"Er . . . Yeah. Why?" I asked. Did she too notice the silence?

"He was really quiet, right? That wasn't just my imagination?"

"Yeah he was pretty quiet. Is that bad?"

A grin grew on her face, "Nope. That's what I want. He needs to think."

I didn't question her any further as we continued to walk. Samm was going on about her back hurting and Jinxx, being the perfect boyfriend he is, picked her up bridal style and carried her the rest of the way.

"Why can't you be more like him?" Morgan asked, sending Andy a mock angry look.

"Because you're heavy as fuck." Was his wise answer.

I shook my head at Morgan's outrageous facial expression. He's definitely not on her good side, I thought as we passed the street lamps and entered a dark street. We had walked all the way to Town Square, which was only a mile or two away from the stadium, and it wasn't that far of a long walk back. Tonight was nice and cold, strange for Las Vegas, and I bundled up in my Andy Bierasck t-shirt. I had told Alex it'd be cold tonight and to let my wear my favorite Bring Me The Horizon sweater, but no. I had to show my "support" to BVB.

I was ripped out of my thoughts as muscular arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me up. I was screaming bloody murder as Ashley slung me over his shoulders and kept on walking, ignoring the way I viciously slapped and punched at his back.

"You barbaric man!" I shrieked.

"The ladies love it." He said cheekily.

I couldn't contain my laughter as he continued to walk. I lifted my head up and shoving hair out of my face, I could see Morgan riding on Andy's back. She was whispering something in his ear and his face wasn't the least bit pleased. I momentarily wondered if I was about to witness a fight between the couple.

"We're here!" Samm sang from the front of the group.

Ashley didn't set me down until we were inside the stadium. He placed me in front of him, grinning when I glared at him. Although I was trying to be mad, I couldn't keep the smile from my face and he noticed it. Giving my side a poke, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest. 

For once, I allowed him to.

CC and Jake were sitting at the bar, taking shots and joking with each other. Their laughter ceased when they spotted us, and immediately brought Jinxx and Andy into their drinking game. Ashley stayed put beside me, leaning agianst the bar and watching his friends with a fond look. Morgan and Samm had disappeared and I was left alone with the guys.

"What's it like?" I asked softly, looking up at Ashley. He peered down at me curiously. "Having to travel all the time?"

He frowned, "At first it was hell. But then I got used to it. And being with my friends make it a lot better."

"What about . . . me? What if we do this, Ashley? What if we start dating and then you're on tour and we never see each other. And it'd be pointless to try anything if you're going to be gone." I rambled.

Ashley sighed and ran a thumb down my cheek. My skin burned wherever he touched and my breath came in short pants. He smiled at my reaction before ducking down and kissing my cheek, his lips brushing softly against the skin.

"If we do this, I won't let anything come between us. Not tour, not the fans, not anything. If we do this, Lexi, you'll be my top priority." He whispered.

I stared at him before nodding slowly, "Promise?"



After saying good bye to the guys and Morgan and Samm (who had been sleeping in the back room), Ashley drove me home. We had taken one of the rental cars since they were staying in town for a week, something about interviews and a few more concerts. I didn't bother asking; just knowing that Ashley was going to be in town for a while was good enough.

Ashley and I hadn't decicded on what we were yet. I didn't have any clue on what I wanted anyway. Did I want Ashley? Would he be committed to this? Was he really a player? What was going to happen if I say yes? I couldn't date a fucking rockstar, he'll just break my heart. The thoughts ran rampart in my brain and no matter how hard I tried to calm them, they'd rally up and destory any sort of semblance I had.

It was fucking cruel and I felt like my head was going to split open at any second.

"Here you are, m'lady. Home sweet home." Ashley murmured when he pulled up to my driveway.

My truck was parked neatly in the driveway and I could see a light on in the living room. I nervously fumbled with my seat belt before getting out of the car. Ashley followed me up to the front steps, his hands tucked in his jeans and his brown eyes flickering over the house.

Is he going to kiss me? Do I want him to kiss me?

We stood awkwardly in front of the door. I had no idea what to do and it seemed that Ashley was unsure of what he should do. I couldn't decide on if I wanted him to kiss me or not. I most definitely am calling my mom tonight.

"I know that you're unsure of . . . us," Ashley began slowly. "And I know that there's a reason behind it. I know you're not going to spill all your secrets to me in one night, but I want to continue this, Lex. You're special."

I stared at him, "By continue, you mean . . ."

"Dates. I want to take you on a date." He explained, a smirk playing at his lips.

"For real this time? Not at McDonald's?" I teased him, reaching forward and punching him in the arm.

He snickered, "Yes, for real this time. Tomorrow night? Does that sound good?"

I was nodding before I could think, "That's perfect, Ashley. I'd love that."

"Good. I'll pick you up at seven. Be ready." He warned, backing up.

"I'll be ready, promise." I laughed.

He grinned before turning on his heel and walking towards the car. I couldn't help but let my eyes fall towards his ass. Images of his naked ass popped into my mind, and like always, a blush rose on my cheeks. Hurriedly, I turned around and unlocked the door, making sure Ashley had driven away before locking it.

I leaned against it, sighing and closing my eyes. There's no going back now.

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