Wake Up

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Ashley. He was a sight for sore eyes. He was dressed in simple jeans and a black t-shirt, a duffel bag thrown over his shoulder. His eyes scanned me, checking for any injury, before he looked at Cassandra, who looked defeated.

"What's going on?" He asked, his voice loud and obviously angry. "It's been a fucking week, Lexi. You haven't picked up your phone in a week and when I tried Alex-"

"Alex is dead, Ashley. She killed herself." I said brutally.

He froze, his mouth open in shock and eyes unblinking. I stared at him, waiting to see what he had to say now.

"Uh, I'm gonna' get going." Cassandra muttered, looking between Ashley and I.

It wasn't until she had pulled out of the drive that Ashley finally moved. He shifted from foot to foot before shaking his head and stomping towards where I stood. I most definitely didn't expect him to pull me into a tight embrace, but who was I to deny his touch? I hugged him back, not realizing just how much I had missed him until he was actually here and I could smell his familiar cologne.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly, his breath fanning the back of my neck.

I jerked out of his hold in outrage, "Sorry that I wasn't thinking about you, Mr. Rock star! I was too busy mourning the loss of my best friend!"

He looked exasperated, "You know what I mean, Lexi."

"No, I don't think I do, Ashley."

"Are we seriously going to do this?" He groaned.

"Yes because while I was in the hospital you were out getting drunk." I spat.

It seemed like once Ashley had opened his mouth, all I could hear was Cassandra reading Alex's letter. I was too busy with Ashley to notice her falling and now look. It was because of Ashley that I had lost Alex. I had been too focused on him to not see her spiraling further down the hole of depression and now she was gone.

I didn't remember what had caused this fight, but suddenly I spewing all of my insecurities to Ashley, trying so hard to see him hurt, to fall, to at least feel my pain of loss.

"I bet this whole time you were fucking one of your little sluts that you keep on hand," I hissed, stabbing a finger into his chest. He didn't move, he watched me with an expressionless face and it made me angrier. "Just because you're a fucking rock star doesn't mean you can go around fucking up my life. You know, I've dated someone like you before. He pretended to actually like me and then you know what he did? He fucked me then left. You're probably doing that right now, aren't you?" I growled, only seconds away from wanting to punch his face.

Why wasn't he yelling at me? Why wasn't he admitting defeat? He was supposed to be hurt, not this expressionless lump standing in front of me. I wanted to prove my point, that he was indeed using me, so that I could get over him faster and he could go on his merry way.

"Are you done?" Ashley asked in a surprisingly calm voice.

I gasped in outrage, "Am I done? Yes! I'm finished with you, Ashley Purdy!"

He rolled his eyes and it made my blood boil, "That sucks 'cause I'm not done with you."

What? I barely had time to understand what was happening before Ashley grabbed me around the waist, tossed me over his shoulder, and headed towards the side of the house. I had no idea what was happening and screamed bloody murder, pounding my fists against his back and this time, I was actually out for blood.

He thought this was a game but he would soon learn that I was dead serious. I wanted nothing to do with him or his silly fucking band. Their one job was to save people's lives and look at Alex. They not only failed her, but also me.

Ashley dropped me, and before I had the chance to run, he wrapped his bulky arm around my waist and held me against his chest. I screamed when I realized that he had turned the hose on and was now pointing it at me. I spewed water as he blasted me with the ice cold liquid, drenching my clothes and through contact, his own shirt. But he didn't seem to care and continued to drench me until he thought I had enough.

"Wake the fuck up, Lexi. I have not, and will not, cheat on you. I fucking love you, can't you see?" I gasped at his admittance but he was on a roll now and he wasn't going to let me interject. "You should've called me when Alex died. You think you're fucking God and can take this all on by yourself, but you can't. You need me, Lexi, and you're too fucking stubborn to see that." He shouted.

"You're lying," I panted, reeling at the fact that Ashley had admitted he loved me. "You can't love me. I hate you. I do."

"Are you trying to convince yourself?" He asked dryly, not believing me.

"I don't need you! I fucking hate you! You're the reason Alex is dead! It's all because of you!" I screeched and flailed my arms around, hoping to at least snag him in the face.

It didn't work and in seconds, Ashley had my arms pinned and was once again blasting me with water. I coughed out water that managed to get into my mouth and slammed my feet into Ashley's legs. We toppled to the ground, and before had a chance to regain himself, I was straddling him and slamming my fists harshly into his chest.

He grunted with each impact and managed to grab my wrists, locking them in one hand and twisting us so he was on top. He pinned me down as I continued to scream and buck my hips up, trying to dislodge him.

"It was no one's fault that Alex died, Lexi! You're just trying to put the blame on me so you don't feel guilty!"

"No! No!" I shook my head, refusing to hear what he said.

"Listen to me!" He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. "You need to stop blaming yourself because it wasn't your fault that she died!"

"It is!" I wailed, finally admitting defeat. "I was gone! She didn't have anyone! I was supposed to be there! And I was with you!"

"Oh Lex." He whispered, his hold on me loosening up.

I shook him off and he fell on the grassy spot beside me. I sat up right, breathing heavily from all the fighting and screaming I had just done. Ashley too seemed to be out of breath but I couldn't give a damn about him.

"I hate you. I was so distracted by you that I didn't notice Alex. I was too busy fawning over you to see her cutting herself again. I was so . . . so in love that I couldn't see her dying." I sobbed, bringing my knees to my chest.

"It's not your fault, Lexi." Ashley whispered softly, his hand gently prodding at my shoulder, as if scared to touch me.

I shoved his hand away, "It is!"

He was silent for a while, allowing me this moment. A gust of wind blew in our direction and I shivered from the cold, and Ashley took that as his cue to take me inside. For the second time that day, I was picked up, but this time more delicately. I wrapped myself around Ashley, soaking in his familiarity, and allowed him to take me inside of my house. He managed to find my room, seeing as this was his first time actually coming inside, and laid me down on my bed. I didn't bother to look at him as he pulled my pants off so I could get under the covers.

Once I was situated, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my wet forehead.

"When you need me, I'll be right outside that door," He whispered before releasing his hold on me. I watched him walk around my bed and towards the bedroom door, and just when he was out of my line of view, his head popped back in and a look of pure sincerity was on his face. "I love you, Lexi Scott."

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