Our Night

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I was going crazy, per say.

Clothes littered my bedroom floor, and if you tried to walk through the mess, you'd probably be lost forever. Alex stood in my bedroom doorway, watching in amusement as I tossed more clothes out of my closet. I couldn't find anything to wear, and the bitch that is Alex, wouldn't help me.

"I have literally seen three perfect outfits be tossed." She laughed.

"Yeah, well." Was my intelligent response.

She laughed once more before leaving me to my doom. It was five o'clock in the afternoon and I couldn't find anything that would look good. Yes, Alex had been right: I have tossed probably ten outfits away. I had a good reason though- they were normal. I couldn't wear anything normal on a date with Ashley. I had to be stunning and beautiful. I couldn't just wear skinny jeans and a t-shirt.

"Cassandra is on her way to help you!" I heard Alex scream from the living room.

"I don't need her help!" I screeched back.

"Take a good look at yourself, Lexi! A good, long look!"

I groaned and thumped my head on the floor. Why did being a girl have to be so hard?


Ironically, I ended up wearing skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I was also wearing a new pair of long black boots that reached my knee, a leopard print scarf, and an old black/leopard print purse. The outfit was casual yet fancy. It was perfect and I loathed Cassandra for thinking of it.

"He should be here any minute, quick open your mouth." Alex muttered and shoved a breath mint into my mouth.

I glared at her, "Thanks."

"No problemo, my little friend."

The three of us were standing in the living room, leaning against the couches. Cassandra had her hair in a messy bun and was wearing sweats and a long sleeved sweater. She hadn't put much effort into her appearance, and when asked, she'd simply said, "I was busy." I had a feeling that she wasn't telling us something. Hopefully she would reveal her secret soon.

"So tell me more about you meeting Andy Biersack." Cassandra urged Alex.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, "I had just gotten her to shut up!"

"Whatever Lexi," Alex scoffed. "But anyway, he is so hot! And he freaking hugged me! He so wanted me," She giggled. It was my turn to scoff. "But not as much as Ashley wanted Lexi. He was all over her." She snickered.

A blush was rising on my cheeks as Cassandra glanced at me, "Oh really now?"

"He was not!" I exclaimed.

"Sure, Lexi. Go ahead and lie. But believe me, Cass, they were doing the naughty in the back room. We even heard Lexi scream." Alex continued.

"Lies!" I shrieked.

"Uh huh, sure." Alex grinned.

"You guys are fucking insane." I grumbled.

Cassandra shrugged, "Hey dude, I haven't said anything."

Before our conversation could continue, there were three precise knocks on the front door. There was a moment of silence before Alex bolted past me and yanked the door open. Ashley stood there wearing boot cut jeans, cowboy boots, and a nice t-shirt. I smiled when I saw him and walked forward, giving him a short hug as a greeting.

"Hey there, Ashley." Alex beamed, standing aside to watch us interact.

Cassandra walked up beside her, arms crossed and eyes staring Ashley down. He shifted uncomfortably beside me but managed to smile.

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