Chapter Six

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Leo woke up to find AJ still in his arms, sleeping peacefully. He smiled down at her sleeping figure and started absent mindedly running his fingers through her hair. It was still early, so not a lot of people e awake yet. AJ woke up only twenty minutes after Leo. "I really hope Nico didn't notice my absence." AJ said, gaining the attention of the boy lying in front of her. Leo laughed, "I don't think he did," he said, "him and Will seemed pretty content with everything." he explained. AJ laughed. "Yeah." she agreed.

***Leo's POV***

AJ laughed, her sweet, beautiful laugh. I will never get tired of hearing her laugh. "I think we should get ready for breakfast." I said, sitting up in bed. "Do I have to?" AJ asked, looking up at me. I nodded, "You have stuff to do today." I explained, getting out of my comfortable, warm bed. "Fine." she huffed, throwing on a sweatshirt after finally getting up. AJ ran out of the cabin to go get dressed and try to wake up Nico and possibly Will, if they spent the night like we think they did.

I walked to the dining pavilion only to find that AJ wasn't there yet. I sat down at my table and started eating a waffle. AJ, Nico, and Will came in a few minutes later, and I could tell that AJ was trying not to laugh at Nico's blushing face.

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