Chapter Two

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Caught in the Riptide

Chapter Two

I jogged towards the parking lot, pulling my car keys out of my bag as I ran; my head still swaying violently making it incredibly difficult to spot the piece of crap I called my car.

I was in year 12 and had turned 18 a month ago which meant I had my own car that my Dad had let me use every day after I got my license and although the car was definitely not good, it would suffice as an escape route out of this hell hole; pulling out my car keys out of the front of my bag when I reached the car, I pressed the unlock button and relief shot through me when I heard the familiar ring.

I ran to the driver’s door and flung it open before remembering something. Or someone.


Rylie hadn't been so lucky with a car and although she was 18, she hadn't gotten one yet which meant I was normally the reason she made it to school on time every morning and got home every night. Unless I wanted my best friend to definitely become whatever the hell Caitlyn was, then I didn't have much of a choice but to go back and get her; as it was, it wasn't looking good for her and I had to stop myself from getting in the car and driving off because after seeing the things that I just saw, the last thing you'd want to do was go back in there.

No matter who you were trying to save.

So before you call me heartless, I can promise you, you'd be thinking the exact same thing.

 I clenched my fist before climbing into the car and locking all the doors, throwing my bag into the seat next to me and shoving the keys into the ignition. The car rumbled to life and I slammed it into reverse, pulling out of the parking space and into the main car park. 

Now, my car was about as reliable as a drunk man on steroids so I seriously had my doubts that I was going to make it but it was going to give me the best shot I was going to be get so I had to try. 

Driving the car into the roundabout that was out the front of the school gates and also about 50 meters from the cafeteria, I stopped the car and took a deep breath before closing my eyes and counting to ten. Suddenly, I really hoped that there was the Big Man up there ready to rescue me if the shit down here got too bad. 

Opening my eyes, I tried to control the fear raging inside of me and pressed my foot on the accelerator, the car shooting off over the curb and through the school gates. 

This was it.

I stopped the car, grabbing the keys out of the ignition and jumped out, bolting towards the cafeteria after I made sure the car was locked. I had 30 meters to go and I didn't miss the lack of people running out of the cafeteria and somehow, I didn’t think they had already escaped. 

"Come on, Rylie," I muttered, sprinting towards the cafeteria.

15 meters left. 

I stopped just in time to dodge someone run out of the cafeteria, their face covered in blood, their body  bloated and unnatural. They looked like they had been younger then me, maybe year eleven, and they looked like a girl. Or a female pit-bull -either way, she didn't look safe.

"Shit," I swore when I saw a crowd of people emerge from the cafeteria. Leading the pack was my dear friend, Rylie, only by the look on her face; she wasn't one of the hundred people following her yet

I nearly broke down in relief when I saw her intact and realised we both might be getting out of this alive –although the creatures behind her definitely made me doubt that we would be getting out.

"Rylie," I shrieked and she looked at me, picking up her pace and grinning, following me as I turned around and ran. 

If we got out of this alive, I was so joining a gym.

Rylie was in the school track team and was one of the fastest people I had ever met, it literally took her about 5 seconds to pass me (although it probably didn't help I already had a stitch) and I almost stopped to hump in joy when it looked like we would be ok because the things behind us had the pace of a snail.

So maybe I didn’t need to join a gym as much as they did.

It seemed like whatever they were affected with, it slowed their pace and that gave us all the time we needed to reach the car and lock the doors.

Pulling out my keys, once we were both in the car, shoving them into the ignition and the engine roared to life. Or tried to roar to life.

"Crap!" I screamed at the car before turning the keys again. "No. No. No,"

The car wasn't working and the crowd was getting closer.

15 meters left before the head of the group reached us.

I turned the keys again, no luck.

10 meters.

"Again, Maykaylah!" Rylie screamed at me and I turned it again. Still the car didn't work.

5 meters. 

"Last time before we get out and run, ok?" I panted and turned the keys one more time. 

The engine roared to life but not before someone's fist punched through the passenger window.


Ok so thanks for all of your fabulous votes! It means tonnes but I was an idiot and accidently deleted the chapter so here it is again, only its edited! Yay! ;)

Also on the side >>> is a picture of Maykaylah who I have fabulously catsed as Rahnee Bransby (my idol) :~~)

Love you guys,


Caught in the Riptide {Unedited} {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now