Chapter Fifteen

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Caught in the Riptide

Chapter Fifteen

"What?" I called out, hoping I'd heard her wrong.

"The Militia! They brought zombies and dumped them over the back fence! We're all going to die!" The lady shreiked and ran past us but made it about 10 meters before she was shot down with bullets.

Rylie screamed and darted towards us, "The hospital! Go!"

We had zombies behind us and Militia in front -the tiolets and the hospital were the only place we could go- so all four of us took off in flat out sprints to the hospital. We flung open the double door and ran inside, down the hallway, into the main entrance; we all stopped running and I put my hands on my legs, gasping for breath. 

"How could this happen?" Harrison growled and shoved his arm across the receptionist's bench, wiping off sheets of paper and empty glasses of water that clatter onto the ground. "This never should have happened!" 

"Shut up Harrison! You need to be quiet," Riley glared at him and he glared back before looking away and began pacing the room. 

"What now?" I asked, looking directly at Colton who was glaring at the shards of glass on the ground like they had killed his best friend.

"We escape."

I rolled my eyes, "Well, duh. But how?"

"Any way we can."

"Colton," I groaned, "Not helpful. Seriously, anyone have any ideas?"

Riley and Harrison shook their heads so I turned back to Colton who was now glaring at me. Oh cool.

"I have one," I grimaced, "But we're probably all going to die and chances are at least one of us will die."


"Well, what if we got the bolt of the zombie ward down the hallway. If someone opened the door while the rest of us were hidng in the airvents and we opened the doors, maybe they would leave the building and distract everyone enough for us to get away," I offered and Rylie nodded.

"That won't work," Colton glared at me and I stifled a sigh. I had about 10 seconds left before I hit him.

"Well it's not like you have any better suggestions," I frowned at him.

"Because no matter what we're going to die! And I just got you back! I don't want to loose you again and espicially not forever!" Colton yelled at me and I jumped in surprise. 

"Colton," I grimaced and took a step towards him. "You're not going anywhere without me so don't freak out."

His expression softened for a second but then it hardened again, "I left you once and you could have died. It only took once and I nearly killed you May! It would have been my fault!"

"So what then?" I sneered, anger boiling up as it suddenly all made sense. "This is your payback then? That you believe it was your fault that I got heatstroke and we are here now? So you decided you'd pay me back by saying that you liked me? Jesus Colton! It all makes sense now, huh? This was just your little present to some desperate girl who you're stuck with! Is that it Colton?" 

"What!" Colton exclaimed. "Is that what you think? Seriously?"

I crossed my arms and stood there, glaring at him. I wasn't going to waste my breath talking to him when it could be much better spent elsewhere.

"You're an idiot," he growled out and closed the distance between us. Towering over me, he bent down and planted a soft kiss on my lips. "It's not that hard to belive I could like someone like you."

Colton rolled his eyes at me and I sighed, "It kind of is Colton. Don't you see that? You're funny, nice and really good looking. Hell, zombie apocalypse or not, you could still do so much better then me."

"And guess what? Even if I could do better, I wouldn't want to."

My heart thudded against my chest and I realised that if he kept saying all of these cute things then I was never going to get over him. Which was kind over annoying if this really was debt to be paid.

"Hang on! What just happened? Did you just kiss her!? Why did I not know of this?" Rylie shrieked, her hands on her hips as she glared at us. Uh oh.

"Um, we meant to tell you..." I trailed off and rubbed the back of my neck. 

"But we were um kinda distracted by the zombies and Militia and stuff," Colton said next to me.

"So it uh kinda slipped our minds?"

Rylie rolled her eyes before grinning at us, "Your babies are going to be so cute!"

"What?" I gasped, I was obviously going deaf.

"Oh," she said dreamily. "Just imagine them. Angels. Blue eyes, brown hair!"

Harrison laughed, "Maybe right now isn't the time for imagining their kids, Ry. We kind of have to get going."

"But their kids," She whined and I rolled my eyes -so she hadn't raged like I'd expected but I'd known it was only a matter of time before she brought up the kid line. But then again, I guess our kids would be kind of cute...

I mean they'd have to be if they were related to Colto-

The door between the outside world and our inside hideaway burst open and four armed men ran in -in front was Doctor Marcus.

"You're awake! Good! You need to get out of here! All four of you, go now and take this! We think its a cure and we'll give you a districation to escape," Doctor Marcus yelled at us and handed a black bag to Harrison. "The Militia know where we are and they'll be coming soon. We'll do every thing we can but go now and be safe; do not loose that cure! We can't win this war but we can make it a fair fight. Now go!" 

All four of us looked at each other with worried glances but didn't hesitate to run out the door, Colton accepting the gun that was passed to him on the way out. The four men followed us out after and I gasped as I saw what we were about to head into.

At least 20 zombies were wondering around or attacking people, men in black uniforms were positioned with guns at firing at civilians. Everyone with weapons was fighting and the ground was covered in blood and guts. Screams and bullets were hard to distinguish from each other as the world we'd been in for the past week crumbled around us -it was chaos.

Colton grabbed my hand and pulled me a long, slinging the gun around his neck as we dashed in front of Rylie and Harrison. We dodged past Militia and our own men, we dodged past dying soldiers and zombies and I could see the exit we were looking for just in front of us. Just past the gate there was a car that I was guessing had been for us so we could leave in the morning -it wasn't a Militia car because they had markings and this one didn't- and so I pushed myself faster, definitely much fitter since the excessive amount of training I had been doing with Rylie and Colton. 

We'd nearly made it through the gate when someone jumped out of the gatehouse and tackled me to the ground; I screamed and I heard a gunshot ring out before the figure on top of me fell over onto the ground. But it wasn't dead and leaped for my throat, its mouth open as it tried to rip into my flesh; I screamed again and shoved it away with my hand before rolling away onto my feet. 

I was about to finish off the creature in front of me but as Iooked up I saw it was Guy -the man who had let us in before and I shivered- and that was all it took. It launched at me and I tried to dodge out of the way but I wasn't fast enough.

Caught in the Riptide {Unedited} {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now