Ch. IV

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The last couple days had been like any other day before I used Devin’s hand as an ashtray. I did my chores, did therapy (which Miss. Pierce had added an extra half-hour to), and ate like a good girl was suppose to do. The only difference was that in order to make sure Devin and I did not try to slaughter one another, they kept us apart. In fact, after breakfast, he was allowed to go outside and I had stay inside. During dinner, I was allowed to go outside and he had to stay in. So I was now stuck with only allowed to go outside once a day, which was awful. 

But I honestly don’t think it’ll help. 

Some of Devin’s goons would walk by me and glare. Sometimes calling me a name that I guess they thought would make me run crying like some child, but all in all I just didn’t care. 

Why should I? 

It’s not like I care what they thought of me. 

I wasn’t afraid of them. 

I could handle them...


I walked down the hall from Miss. Pierces’s office clicking the pen in my hand. I stole it from her desk. I don’t know why, it’s not like I would use it, but when she turned her back I snatched one up from her pen holder and hid it in pocket. 

But really who could pass up a clicking pen?

As soon as I got to the cafeteria for dinner, I could smell the fish that was cooking. I wrinkled my nose at the stench and had no desire to take a single bite of it. Instead, I slipped the pen in my pocket and grabbed an apple and a napkin and head outside. 

I went to my usual spot, not seeing Rachel anywhere in sight. 

Which is good in a way. 

I could finally have some peace and quiet. 

Taking a loud bite from the apple, I leaned back against the wall, ignoring all those around me. Even the sound of people fighting on the other side of the fence. It grew louder and louder by the minute, making me finally give in and looked over and saw a guy had a plastic fork and had stabbed some other guy in the eye. My own eyes widen at the sight, seeing men tackling them down and taking needles out and pricking them. Within minutes the two were out and being dragged off. 

The sounds of laughter grew in the air; people getting their dose of action for the day.

I take another bite of the apple, moving to use the napkin to wipe my mouth off when I heard the sound of something metallic chiming. I looked over as the apple juice dripped from my mouth and my mouth full, seeing the boy in the mask just walking by along the fence, his head down with his hair over his face, his hand running along the chained fence. I narrowed my eyes, slowly chewing and watched as he slowly looked up at me before moving to go back to his usual spot.

The hell was that?

I watched him sit down, and his head lifted up in my direction. I couldn’t see his eyes at all, but I knew he was staring at me. I swallow the food in my mouth, and used my arm to wipe my face. I took the napkin and I opened it up completely, taking the pen out and smoothed the napkin down against the concrete floor and I use the pen to write on it. 

“Why do you keep staring at me? It’s creepy.”

I move to stand, folding the napkin up and I put the pen back into pocket and I walk over, looking around, seeing none of the guards or anyone else on either side was paying attention before looking back at the guy, who was still looking at me. I slipped the napkin through the fence, letting it drop, but the air slightly blew it to the left, making it go a little closer to him.

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