Ch. XX

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I was so nervous as I laid on my bed, facing the window, holding the mask Michael had given me close to my chest and just tried to remain calm. I was so worried for him, hoping that the staff would not harm him. I just closed my eyes, moving a hand over to my arm and couldn’t help but let my nerves take over and started to claw at my skin. I closed my eyes tightly, continued to claw and felt the sticky substance between my fingers and felt it dripping down. 

Opening my eyes and looked down and saw my blood had stained the white sheets. I gulped hard, sitting up and carefully put the mask on the side table and used the sheet to wipe my arm. When I heard the door open, I quickly pulled my pillow over it and covered my arm before looking over.

The older man that I had seen with Michael stood there wearing a black turtleneck and black slacks, his hair was snow white, but balding. He looked at me and then eyed my arm. He sighed lightly and left the room for a quick moment before coming back in and brought a chair in with him. He sat the chair down next to my bed and took a seat. I watched him closely and I fixed my long white dress, trying to hide my now bandaged leg. 

“My name is Samuel Loomis.” The man said as he opened the first-aid kit. He looked up at me, and took in the sight of me moving away. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He tried to assure. 

“That’s what they all say...” I muttered.

“May I?” He held a wrinkled hand out, asking for my arm. I eyed him hesitant, but I moved a little closer and held my arm out. He started to clean it, making me wince and hiss as the alcohol burned my open wound. I remained silent, watching him and even looked at his own dimmed blues from age. When they went to the mask, he exhaled a little and then went back to cleaning. “That was some show out there.” He said as he moved to wrap my arm up. 

“Is he in trouble?” I asked.

“Not much we could do to him either way.” When he was finished he closed everything up and sat it next to my mask on the table. “Miss. Fisher...I have been working with Michael for 17 years...I hoped all those years I could see some sort of humanity behind those eyes. To show me that he was worth fighting for...” He sat back in his chair. “I have come to the conclusion that he is nothing but evil. Telling everyone that he needed to be locked away and never see the day of light again.” He eyed me for a moment. I just remained silent. He licked his lips to continue. “But today I have seen something I have never seen before with him. For first time ever, I saw a bit of humanity in him. Proving me wrong...that he does indeed have some room in his cold heart for love.” I felt my ears heat up. “I believe you are good for Michael. Maybe there is a way for you to shine some more light into his heart.”

I gulped hard and looked up at him. “Where are you going with this?”

“I was hoping maybe you could try to make some more progress with him. Maybe get him to see-”

I held my hand up. I moved to look at him straightforward. “I killed my family. I’m not exactly Miss. Poppins. Also, he and I are friends because we don’t try to change one another. You see a monster...I see someone who is perfect the way he is.”

“He will not stop killing.” He pushed. “When he wants to kill he will. But today you stopped him. You were able to prevent him from killing that man. No one has ever been able to break him out of that thought.” He licked his lips and leaned forward a little. 

“It doesn’t matter.” I arched an eyebrow. “He’s going to be leaving soon anyways, right? He has a trial and will soon be going to prison.”

“But you still have some time.” He reached over to take the first aid. “Perhaps you could spend a little bit more time with him. Maybe bring out more of his humanity.”

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