Author's Note + Ch. XXI

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I just wanted to apologize to everyone for the lack of updating. I had lost my motivation to write for a while, but I finally have it back and will FINALLY finish this book. To those that have been patient with me, I thank you so much. For those that have given up, I honestly don't blame you and again, I'm sorry. 

BUT ANYWHO, enjoy the last few chapters~! <3


You never realize how much freedom you have until it has been taken away from you. For days I have not been able to do a thing alone without Miss. Pierce being by my side. I wasn’t allowed to go outside, not unless Michael was gone, and I got to the point where I had given up on trying to talk her into letting me speak to him one last time. Every time I would try to ask her, she would shut it down before I could even finish my sentence. She claimed she was doing it all for my own good, but we all know she was just doing it because she was nothing but a cold hearted bitch. 

To make things worst? 

Miss. Pierce allowed me to go back to the class the Sanitarium offered us.

At first I was happy, thinking it would mean I could get away from her.

But no. 

Just when I thought I would be able to take a long breath of freedom, I realized the moment I entered the room she knew I wouldn’t be happy. Looking over, I saw Mr. Brown at the desk and I could feel my stomach turning. The officer who was by me stayed close, leading me to the back of the class and cuffed me to the desk. The officer went to the front of the room, gathering my supplies and came back to hand them to me. They knew if Mr. Brown came close to me, it would not be pretty. So at the moment, they just wanted me to sit in the back, away from the man and to just listen, when I honestly wasn’t. I didn’t care about what he had to say. 

You know how in Charlie Brown when the adults would talk their voices sounded like blurred drunkenness? 

Well, that’ how Mr. Brown himself sounded to me.

But not just him.

As a couple days seemed to have passed, everything people said sounded just like that. I hardly went outside and soon it got to the point where I didn’t go outside at all. I would sit in my room after eating a tiny plate of food and would lay on my bed and stare out the ceiling, hearing people from outside my barred up window just yelling and sometimes I would hear a laughter.

The medicine that Mrs. Pierce had me take was beginning to take a much stronger effect on me to the point where I sleep a huge part of the day. I think that was her main plain to begin with. 

I sat in the empty room which had only one other chair other than the one I am sitting in and a small white table in the middle. From the corner of my eye I could see a guard standing there texting on his phone near the closed door. I looked completely disgusting as I sat there in my three day old white outfit and greasy hair pulled back into a pony tail. I had given up on absolutely everything and if I had any say in the matter, I would give up eating but I knew Mrs. Pierce would not have me killing myself by starving myself. I only ate enough to keep myself somewhat alive. 

The sudden click of the door opening made me peak over, seeing the dark hourglass figure entering the room and making her way to the seat in front of me. I looked up, seeing her lipstick was somewhat messed up and her cheeks looked flushed.

Of course. 

She was with Mr. Brown. Which explains why we didn’t meet up in her room for this session. The thought of the two people I hated the most in this world fucking each other just made my stomach turn and prayed that they didn’t bring the Antichrist to the world. 

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