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So many emotions flowed through me as I stared at Michael. I missed him a lot more than I had ever though possible. He was the only person I felt as if I could truly trust. The last couple weeks were just awful. From anger, to pain, to missing him-it was all just awful. But now he stood there, shoving people away from me and when he eyed someone, they would quickly moved away, learning real fast that no one is to touch me.

He looked at me, and I felt myself giving him a weak smile. When he moved to me, I watched him as he stepped behind me, his large hands moving to the handles of the wheelchair and he pushed me through the crowd. I could smell the sweat and soil lingering from him, the feeling of warmth radiating like a furnace. I leaned back into my seat, letting him push me towards the back of the courtyard to his usual spot and I automatically felt my pain and anger being pushed to the side and just enjoying the fact that I was actually on the same side of the fence as Michael Myers.

I watched him move to sit down on the ground next to my chair. Thankfully with his size, he was able to sit at my height a little. When he looked up at me, I turned to look down at my hands, suddenly shy and allowed my hair to fall in front of my face. I parted my lips to speak, and looked over at him and saw he was just staring. “It’s good to see you.” I finally mustard up. “I’ve missed you...” I knew he wasn’t going to say anything. He never did. But I have learned to accept his silence-to welcome it. I started to say something, but he moved a hand up and I winced a little, watching as it moved to my face. My eyes fluttered a little, and felt him move some hair from my face and I bit my lip, feeling his thumb rubbing the burnt part of my face. I slightly leaned my head into his hand, enjoying the warmth until he pulled away, making me blink and looked down at him and saw him moving to untie his mask. I watched him with widening eyes,  and when he pulled his mask off he looked up at me with those dark eyes. The same cold stare. Strong face that threatened anyone to mess with him. When he moved to stand, I watched him closely as he moved behind me and he moved to place the mask over my face. 

Feeling my cheeks heat up, I let him tie the mask around my head. When he was done, I fixed it a little on my face, feeling the warmth of it from when it was on his face. I looked over, watching him sit back down and he just let his hair fall over his face.

He had to of felt naked without his mask. 

“Are you sure...?” I questioned, he just nodded, peaking up at me through his hair and I just adjusted it on my face and looked down, seeing he was slipping a folded paper on my lap and a crayon. I took it and quietly opened it up.

“Thank you for your help.”

I smiled lightly to myself. I missed talking to him, even if it was on paper. I wanted to hear his voice just once, but I knew that would be asking way too much. 

I took the crayon and started to write back.

“You’re welcome. Just don’t let it be for nothing. Actually do what you need to do.”

I handed it back, and I sat back and sighed. I felt the pills that Miss. Pierce had given me really taking an effect, feeling my eyes getting a little drowsy and I reached up to move the mask up a little to rub them. I looked over and saw he was staring up at me, and I actually saw a hint of worry on his face. I just took the note from him. “I’m fine.” I told him and I just opened the note and started to read it.

“What happened to you?”

I snorted and avoided him when he looked. I didn’t even know where to start or if I should even tell him about what happened. From the fire, to stabbing my teacher, to the ice torture I had to experience. It was a lot that had happened since last time we have spoken, and something that I didn’t want to have to go through again. 

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