Ch. VI

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Something I do not miss at all while being in this Sanitarium. 

Beyond these walls, I never had many friends and those that I did associate with only turned their backs on me when I needed them the most. Now, I like to see myself as someone who is wise for her age and someone who could have gone to college with a good scholarship for something. As a child I never thought of what I wanted to actually do with my life. I have often thought of painting, but my mother always told me although it was a great passion to have, it wouldn’t pay the bills. So after her basically flushing my hopes and dreams down the toilet, I had no other objectives in my life and before I even came to this place, I gave up on school. Never tried hard on tests again. 

But apparently I just can’t get away from it.

I’m sitting here in the back of a sad looking classroom in a run down desk that was chained to the floor. The top looking like someone was let loose with pens and pencils onto the wood and wrote all over it. Gum was sticking under it, making me afraid to even more my legs up at all. 

Sad thing was, this wasn’t the worst. 

In the classroom, a couple people sat. 

Some my age, some older. 

All with one hand chained to their desk while the other was free. 

A man in his possible forties sat at the desk in front, wearing a very dark green suit and his black hair was slick back with hair gel. A red tie hung from his shirt collar and his hands were marked up a bit from dry erase markers, standing in front of a white board.

The truth was, this was all Miss. Pierces’s idea. She claimed that it would do well for me to take advantage of the education that the Sanitarium offered and to learn a few things as well as get to know a few of the other patients. In all honesty, I had no intention in talking to anyone in the room right now. A woman with crazy curly hair sat in front of the classroom with a pink stuffed bunny and was whispering to it. A man who looked like he may have known Jesus sat in the opposite corner from me by a window just stared down at his hands. There were a couple people my age sitting together in the middle of the back row, three rows away from me. They whispered to one another and I could hear their giggles every once in a while. A guard sat by the door with a newspaper and a Dr. Pepper on the desk, whistling quietly as he read. 

I quickly looked up at the clock, seeing it was just noon. At this time I would usually be in therapy, and in all honest I wished I were there instead of here. 

Hearing people come in, I look up and saw a couple more patients coming in, taking seats mainly by the window, and having a guard handcuffing them to the desk and left, nodding at the other in the classroom before leaving. 

The man behind the desk stood, buttoning up his suit jacket and smiled a cheesy smile. “Hello, every-”  He stopped when someone came in. I looked over and my eyes widened a little. “Oh, Michael. Glad you can join us.”

Michael Myers.

Standing there with his mask on and his hands chained in front of him. The kids sitting nearby went quiet, and the elderly man looked up at him. I bit my lip as Michael glanced over at me, and said nothing as he walked back towards me as an office followed. I locked eyes on his for a moment, until he got closer and I quickly looked down, showing sudden interest in the foul words carved onto the desk. I hear him taking a seat in the desk right in front of me, and hearing his chains hitting the metal of the desk and the sound of handcuffs being locked. When footsteps signaled the officer had left, I looked up, wincing at the sight of the tall blonde male sitting with his hand chained on the desk, his large back facing me. 

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