Chapter 5

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It wasn't until the next morning that I learned a basic version of the sort - of - failed escape attempt, courtesy of Hetty. I felt sorry for the boys who had been unable to leave, but I was nonetheless glad that they had all got back into the hospital without getting caught. "Raven!" Hetty called, waving her hand in front of my face to get my attention. I shook myself out of my thoughts and turned to her. "Yes?" I questioned as I tied my apron around my waist. "I was just saying how Mathias wanted me to tell you something" she said, carefully scrutinising my face for my reaction. I waved my hand, indicating that she should continue. "Mathias told me to tell you, and I quote, 'I'll see you around." The familiarity of the phrase made me grin in spite of myself. "Raven, you ok?" Hetty questioned. I turned to face her, smiling. "I'm good." Suddenly, a ringing bell echoed through the dorm and we all lined up as Nurse Macclesfield walked in. "All foundlings are required in the chapel immediately." Confused, we filed out in a neat line.


We all entered the chapel, moving to sit in the pews on the right hand side (as you look at the front). When we were all sitting down, (in the order Polly, Harriet, Hetty, me, Mary) we began to talk softly. Then the door slammed and Nurse Macclesfield walked up the aisle. "Your attention please." Matron's voice echoed through the chapel. Hetty turned to face me. "What's going on?" Hetty whispered to me. "No idea, but something's up," I whispered back. We exchanged glances before turning our attention back towards Matron.

"Dormitory confinement is over," Matron said and I turned to smile at Mary. "However, there is to be a change to the Foundling Hospital rules." Murmuring spread through the chapel. What rules will she change? "QUIET!" Matron shouted, regaining our attention. "As you all know, last night 3 boys escaped." My mind wandered to Mathias and the other boys, Jack and Arthur. I pulled my thoughts away from that topic and back to Matron. "From today," she continued. "If one pupil is caught even attempting to escape, then every foundling will face the same punishment. One strike of the strap. Bread and water for a week. Blankets removed from beds and no recreation time. the Foundling Hospital will become a living Tench." Beside me Mary made a small noise of fear. I quickly grabbed her hand, trying to calm her down. 

"We will make you suffer." Matron stared at us with a unforgiving expression. "Do you understand?"
"Yes Matron," we chorused. Matron seemed to become even angrier than she was. "Do you understand?!" she repeated. "Yes Matron!" we replied, louder than the last time. Matron glared at us. "Back to your classes," she said. Row by row, we began to leave. As our row got up to leave, I saw Hetty smile at a boy on a row opposite us. 

Once we were out of the chapel, I nudged Hetty. "What?" she hissed. I didn't reply, as Nurse Macclesfield was glaring at us. Once she was gone, I answered Hetty's question. "Who was that boy you smiled at?" Hetty turned around and glared at me. My question wasn't answered until we were back in the dorm. She looked at me and gestured for Harriet, Polly, Mary and I to follow her. Then she explained. She had smiled at Gideon and she wanted to see him as much as possible. Obviously, we all agreed to help. As we all walked off to sewing class, I grinned. Everything was starting to become just as it was. 


Guys, I'm sorry about the lack of updates, but I'm working on my GCSE's (exams that all British teen take in Year 11/ 10th grade of secondary school/ high school) and its a lot of work.  

Anyways, here ends episode two. Episode three is in the works and I promise it'll be out soon. I know that I say that say that a lot but I PROMISE that it'll be up by the end of February. 

See y'all whenever I update next

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