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After waiting for her reply for what felt like hours but in reality it was seconds she finally spoke.

"James, I really like you and you have helped me out so much and we've had so much fun but it's too soon for me, after my last relationship, i felt broken and i still cant trust people, i've kind of given up on love, im so so sorry"

A small tear rolled down her cheek.

I didn't say anything, i just gave her a hug which was so special, we were just sat there hugging for ages and it wasnt awkward.

she spoke again with a confession. "Im sorry. I dont want to be heartbroken again, im scared"

my reply was "I understand that you went through a hard time with your ex and i know you might not be ready for a relationship but i just thought you needed to know, And also i will never break your heart" i emphasised the word "never" so she knew i was serious about her.

"ok" she said while wiping tears, she continued with "I still want to be friends though, and go ice skating?"

"of course haha" i said.

"you free tomorrow at six oclock?" she questioned.

"Yeah perfect timing, its the foam party on ice, shall i come and get you at quarter too?"


We heard people leaving and then Freyas mum shouted down "James your parents are leaving now" I gave her a guick hug and we said bye, it was only until tomorrow though.

I cant believe i confessed ny love to her though, still doesnt seen real, but its a relief that she knows.

**Freyas pov**

I sat on my bed alone after James left, i felt empty like every other time her leaves. He told me he liked me and i rejected him, oh i wish i was ready for a relationship.because he would be perfect, ugh, i always say the wrong thing, what if i upset him, oh dear.

I text him to say "If anything i said tonight sounded mean it wasnt meant to , i do like you but im not ready xx"

new messages from James, "it didnt and i understand how you feel, keep smiling xxx"

I read the text and got into bed felling really happy, minutes later i must of fell asleep oops.

she will be loved - a james mcvey fanficWhere stories live. Discover now