The day after telling her..

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**James' pov**

it was the morning after i had told her, i felt buzzing, really happy that i got it said.

i looked at my phone 10:35, woah, i had overslept, oh well i had no plans until I took freya ice skating at six.

I went down stairs and my mum was looking at me weirdly..

"what?" i said, not in a rude way alnost jokingly.

she giggled and said "you and that freya girl nake a good couple"

"dont" i told her as i knew i would bright red after she embarrased me.

I flicked through the channels, mainly music ones, lawsons song "standing in the dark" was playing so i had a listen, they're great inspiriation for me con brad and tris aka the vamps as theyre succesfull as a band and i just sit and think it's mad to think soon our song and video will be on here soon wow.

Time flew by while listeneing to the music, i just enjoyed it.

11:50 - i was starving. i went and grabbed some low fat ice cream and some other things, ate it all up and then realsied i hadn't checked my phone all morning.

"4 new messages" "2 missed calls" oh wow thats alot for me haha.

2 messages were from Brad "How was last night" "Have you told her you like her???" He knew because

i tell them everything, i also had a missed call of Brad so i rang him.

"Hello" brad answered


"so tell me about last night"

I told him every little detail, how we talked, ate, met parents, and most inportantly how i told her i loved her.

we were on the phone a while talking about band songs music etc etc.

The other messages were from Freya "hey looking forward to ice-skating, see you at 6 yeah?" and another with just "xx" as she forgot  to add the kissess to the previous text.

i replied "Im excited too, yeah i'll come to yours at 6ish, be ready, wrap up warm;-)xx"

i recieved an almost instant reply "i will aha, jumpers at the ready;)xx"

"gooooddd;-) see you sooon babe xxx"

"see you soon james xx"

aw, shes lovely, just a text from her puts a smile on my face.

I checked who the other missed call was from but it was the one off my mum from a few days ago, it just stays on my phone for some reason.

Anyway, i had look on twitter, played some guitar, watched some tele, rang tris and con to update them and before i knew it it was 4:30 pm, whatttt.

I jumped in the shower, i have a "shower/bath" playlist on my phone and it lasts 30 mins, i like every song so i was in the shower half an hour, got out and dried off at 5 and then dried my hair.

I looked through my wardobe, skinny jeans, t-shirt, jumper and a coat, also extra socks. I didnt have much time to do my hair so i shoved on a beanie and sprayed my fave aftershave, off i go to get freya.

**Freya pov**

It was 5:30 and i was ready, i was early for once, i was so excited for ice skating alough im not great, i hope its not awkward because of the converstaion last night, it probably wont be. I watched an episode of hollyoaks, topped up my lippy, put my warmest coat on.and i heard a knock on the door. James arrived at a couple of minuites past 6.

"shall i drive to ice skating" he asked.

I didnt know he could drive??? but its easier than waiting ages for the bus i suppose.. "alright lets go"

he looks amazing on a beanie, in everythig he's wearing an i'm pretty sure that i look like i've been in the artic but he still complimented me on the way, bless him, it was such a relaxing car journey, only about 5-10 mins before we got to ice-skating.

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