Chapter 2

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Ryoma's pov

"Hello Ryo"
"How are you? Congrats on the fifth win. So your coming back? Are you going to school?" I ask her with all these question.

"Easy Ryo. Im good. Thanks. Ya i have a scheduled flight tomorrow at 1:30pm so i will be arriving there by 7:30 or so. And yep im going to attend seishun gakuen."

Im glad she is going i smiled and we talked for a bit. When i looked at the time it was already 12:35 am.

"Well Ryo i need to get going. I know that its early in the morning for you. You have school tomorrow. I will see you tomorrow.  Good night Ryo. Love you!" I smiled and answered
"Okok i will pick you up tomorrow text me when you lang. Good night Rhe (pronounce as REY). I love you too!"

I change my clothes and slept.

Ring ring ring
I woke up and have a good mood. I will finally see her. After 1 and a half year of being away with her i really miss her. (I change the time line so Ryoma is 2nd year, kaidoh and momo are 3rd years while the others are 4th years.)
I took a bath and change into my jersey. I took my clothes,school bag and my racket bag and went downstairs.
"good morning Ryoma. What qould you like for breakfast?" My mom ask.

"Ill just grab an apple mom. Im kinda late for practice. And oh ill pick up rhea at the airport later so i might be late."

"Ok brat be careful" father said

As i walk to the street im so in a happy mood. I think this is the best day of my life.

*skip to the end of class*

Im here at school. Practice just ended and i just finished changing to my semi-formal clothes. Hey i want to look good in front of my girl so.. I look to my phone and saw a pic of me and Rhea.
I smiled as i think of her
"Yo Ryoma are you sick? You've been smiling lately."
I shrug it off and packed my things.

I was about to get out but momo senpai stopped me.
"yo want to eat some burgers? My threat."
"Uhm no i have an important person coming over so i need to pick her up."

I wave to the team and get into a can

"Narita airport please" i said as i lower  my cap.

The driver look at me through the rear view mirror and speed through.  I was zoning out until the car stopped. I payed the driver and went to the arrival of the international planes. I waited until i saw a beautiful girl. Wearing a striped t-shirt with a denim flannel and ripped baby blue jeans she has a white cap that the same as mine but it has a T instead of an R. She took off her glasses and look at me. Her eyes were watery and she ran to me. I opened my arms and hugged her tight. She was already crying when she reached me. She was smaller than me i think she 5'3 while im 5'8. I look at her and she smiled. She hugged me again and i whispered

"I miss you" again and again.
We went to the nearest star bucks and we chat for awhile.
"So Rhea when are you going to start shchool?" I ask
"Oh well i ask your father to prepare my papers so i can start school tomorrow!" She said.
"Wait so that geezer know your going here? Since when?"
"About 2 month ago"
"That mans dead"
We stayed there for awhile and went home. She will stay at our house

"So will otosan be glad?" She ask
"Well yeah" i ask and smiled by the fact that she calls my father "otosan"(father)

"Were here!"

"Ryoma and Rhea! Welcome home! Well let you rest for a while. Rhea we dont have a spear room so you can sleep in Ryoma's room. No dirty business!" Mom said

"Yeah yeah" i said.

We stay there and we prepare to sleep cause we are already full. I was about to sleep in the floor until Rhea speak
"What are you doing?"
"About to sleep?"
"Why on the floor? You can sleep here in the bed. Theres plenty of room"
I didn't argue to her And sleep next to her we cuddle and slept. I have my hand wrap around her waist. I slept with a smile on my face. This is going to be good.

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