3 - Fionna steals my phone

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Your P.O.V

"I'm back!" I shout as I walk through the front door of mine, Fionna and Cake's house. "Fionna, where are you!?" I shout again as I slip off my shoes and head into the living room. "I'm upstairs!" Fionna shouts back. I head upstairs and into our bedroom. "So...what do you wanna do?" I ask as I lay down on my stomach on my F/C bedsheets. "We could......talk about you and Marshall!" Giggles Fionna as she turns round on her bed to look at me. "What is there to talk about? We're just friends." I say, a tad angry. "That's what you always say, but I know that you're lying. You're just bottling up all your feelings." Says Fionna. "Yea, right." I chuckle as I take out my phone and start playing F/G (Favourite Game or app).

"What are you playing?" Asks Fionna as she slides off of her bed and leans over mine. "F/G." I say. "Can I try?" She asks curiously. "Sure." I say turning onto my back and handing her the phone. "Thanks." She says as she grabs my phone out of my hand and jumps onto her bed.

~Two hours later~

"Am I ever getting my phone back." I ask for about the 100th time today. "Nope." Giggles Fionna. "Fine. I'll go find something else to do." I say as I get up off of my bed and try to find BMO.

"BMO!?" I shout while walking through our house.

I wonder where he is?

I wonder if Fionna has seen him?


I'm using so much effort!

I head back to our room and see her still playing with my phone, while laying on her bed. "Hey, Fionna?" I ask as I walk towards her. "Yea?" She asks. "Have you seen BMO?" I question. "Last time I seen him he was in the basement." She says, still staring at my phone. "We have a basement?" I ask, not knowing that we had a basement. "Yea, there's a door behind the first set of ladders on the bottom floor." She says.

I'm so sorry that this is a really short chapter. And it sucked. And I updated a day late. I'll try and write a long chapter for the next time I upload.


My Favourite Vampire - Marshall Lee X Reader《ON HOLD》Where stories live. Discover now